View Full Version : Anxiety causing vertigo?? :/

02-14-2014, 01:48 PM
Can anxiety cause vertigo? Is this possible? Because I feel like everything is rocking back and forward. I googled this (stupid me) and read about it. Some said it can be a sign of some serious mental illness such as shizo, while others said that vertigo can cause serious problems. Is this from the anxiety? Is it as dangerous as people is making it sound?

02-14-2014, 01:57 PM
AHHG, I can't take any meds :( It'll make me go extreme panic-mode. Is there no other way? Is it dangerous?

02-14-2014, 02:02 PM
AHHG, I can't take any meds :( It'll make me go extreme panic-mode. Is there no other way? Is it dangerous?

yeah it happens. it is not dangerous but makes u not to function well. dont want to scare u but your symptomps are getting worse man.do you get enough sleep?eat well? i also get vertigo when i wake up at night but it goes after sleeping again.sucks i know. but it is something u have to bear

02-14-2014, 02:03 PM
Yes it can and there are a few of us here that have it .

My doctor told me that stimatol will help with it but takes few days to build up .

You should be able to buy over the counter .

He wants me on 3 x 5mgs a day .

Btw, stimatol? Did you mean stomatol? If so, then loool.

02-14-2014, 02:07 PM
yeah it happens. it is not dangerous but makes u not to function well. dont want to scare u but your symptomps are getting worse man.do you get enough sleep?eat well? i also get vertigo when i wake up at night but it goes after sleeping again.sucks i know. but it is something u have to bear

I'm experiencing something new every day man. But I'm getting better in one way. I'm not getting heart palps anymore, I'm not nauseus, I'm not constantly worried/stressed, panic free for almost 2 months now etc. I don't know if it's vertigo. I don't feel it constantly only when I stare at something, think of it and then everything rocks back and forward.

02-14-2014, 02:12 PM
I'm experiencing something new every day man. But I'm getting better in one way. I'm not getting heart palps anymore, I'm not nauseus, I'm not constantly worried/stressed, panic free for almost 2 months now etc. I don't know if it's vertigo. I don't feel it constantly only when I stare at something, think of it and then everything rocks back and forward.

that is not vertigo.vertigo is spinning head and u have no idea how bad it is. that is kind of a vision thing.happens coz u spend too much time on tv or smartphone.

02-14-2014, 02:17 PM
that is not vertigo.vertigo is spinning head and u have no idea how bad it is. that is kind of a vision thing.happens coz u spend too much time on tv or smartphone.

Ah yes, I've been spending my whole day at the pc playing games. Could be it.

02-14-2014, 02:26 PM
Ah yes, I've been spending my whole day at the pc playing games. Could be it.

spending time on pc isnt the way to fight what we have.

02-14-2014, 04:37 PM
cant should not be the word , over scared about it would be a better way to put it .

No other way i have found unless you want to start doing some long term things like trying to calm your system .

Meds are really not that bad when you take the BS your anxiety is making you believe .

Maybe focus on how good it could be rather than how back it MIGHT be .

I'm trying, but I just can't. It's because I got my panic attack/anxiety when smoking weed. I know they're good, but I can't help that I react the way I do. I'll give it some time and hopefully I'll get over it.

02-14-2014, 05:14 PM
You have no idea how my panic attacks get when I eat/drink something that can harm me. I overreact to everything. I could barely drink any coffe a week ago. I get really extreme panic attacks. It gets so bad to the point where I get a psychosis (No joke). I'm afraid that if I try some kind of SSRI and end up having a panic attack instead, I experience the side effects. Just because I panicked. But I don't know if it's true or not. Can you experience any side effects only if you've taken too much? Or can they occur when having a panic attack aswell?