View Full Version : A must read thread

02-14-2014, 10:26 AM
please listen to me good. there was a guy here who was 17 years old and had sleeping problems and so on.he wrote here and some got on diagnosing him you have this u have that. he is just 17 guys. it should be a policy here to calm people not diagnose them specially when they are young ones.they end up googling and obsessing on those gad ocd shit. we should tru a different approach.like calming people and giving simple tips judging by age and severness of the case. i hope you read this thread.i told the guy to get off this forum and shut down the pc and live life coz he had nothing.this is what we should do in these cases.

02-14-2014, 10:37 AM
Can you link the thread Cimi?

02-14-2014, 10:40 AM
Can you link the thread Cimi?

i dont want to get extra specific on this one jesse

02-14-2014, 12:44 PM
Diagnosing people here is wrong, our goal is to calm them down and send to the doc, or to advice meditation or relaxation or other things but not meds , especially to such young guy:(

02-14-2014, 12:49 PM
Diagnosing people here is wrong, our goal is to calm them down and send to the doc, or to advice meditation or relaxation or other things but not meds , especially to such young guy:(

I couldn't agree more Dahila! Even a qualified psychiatrist cannot ethically diagnose without a full assessment. Soft opinions backed up by firm support always a winner! :)

02-14-2014, 01:14 PM
Can you link the thread Cimi?

I'm in suspense now!! Link it up please, I gotta see if it was a veteran member or a senior member that did this???....I'm usually pretty cautious, unless I see something more beyond the words presented on this screen...:)

02-14-2014, 01:29 PM
I'm in suspense now!! Link it up please, I gotta see if it was a veteran member or a senior member that did this???....I'm usually pretty cautious, unless I see something more beyond the words presented on this screen...:)


i only do this coz it is wrong ok not to spy or anything like that

02-14-2014, 01:30 PM
Edit: N0TH!NG :O

02-14-2014, 01:32 PM

i only do this coz it is wrong ok not to spy or anything like that

I think he said it was GAD because that kid thought he was having a heart attack.

02-14-2014, 01:37 PM
I believe that most who post often here usually will tell me to speak to a doctor or see a therapist

When people ask if it is anxiety, most replies are it sure sounds like it but get all of your concerns answered from a doc before treating it as only anxiety

02-14-2014, 01:44 PM
Diagnosing a symptom as a symptom of anxiety on an anxiety forum isn't as terrible as you make it out to be. Anxiety is capable of a great many symptoms, some can be agonizing, unnerving or downright surreal.


02-14-2014, 03:47 PM
I see nothing wrong with that thread... ???? It's an anxiety forum.

02-14-2014, 03:59 PM
I don't see anything wrong with it either jloca215

02-14-2014, 04:25 PM
http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?25761-Hello!-*im-scared-help* i only do this coz it is wrong ok not to spy or anything like that

I don't really feel that anyone was actually "diagnosing" anything on this thread Cimi.

Reading it through, the young guy posting actually states he has had an ECG/EKG and the doc has said his heart is healthy, the symptoms he describes are pretty classic for anxiety and his original question is "does this sound like anxiety".

I agree no one should give any kind of speculative diagnosis, but in this thread the responses are opinion based answers to specific questions following a medical exam.

In fact I would say the advise from Joe Cool was really good.

02-14-2014, 11:44 PM
I don't really feel that anyone was actually "diagnosing" anything on this thread Cimi.

Reading it through, the young guy posting actually states he has had an ECG/EKG and the doc has said his heart is healthy, the symptoms he describes are pretty classic for anxiety and his original question is "does this sound like anxiety".

I agree no one should give any kind of speculative diagnosis, but in this thread the responses are opinion based answers to specific questions following a medical exam.

In fact I would say the advise from Joe Cool was really good.

i dont think so. we shouldnt use terms like gad or ocd or anyother.coz people and up googling and reading until they get to schizo and become obsessed. or even worse.that is my point and i stand to it coz i messed up nyself from those terms and google. maybe i dont have anything and it is just an obsession in my head from what i have been reading, thats what i think most of the time man. to sum up we shouldnt use terms. jesus i learned about gad from my shrink, googled it read about dp dr.started believeing it.read about ocd started believing it and so on. so please change approach

02-15-2014, 02:09 AM
But isn't this forum where you yourself learned that OCD and DP/DR wasn't Schizophrenia?

I do understand what you are saying Cimi, but I believe people arrive at this forum to learn about other peoples experiences with anxiety and it's related conditions and gain a perspective and re assurance from it.

By not explaining anything or saying "it's nothing" are we not simply telling someone to "chill out and go away"?

02-15-2014, 03:34 AM
But isn't this forum where you yourself learned that OCD and DP/DR wasn't Schizophrenia?

I do understand what you are saying Cimi, but I believe people arrive at this forum to learn about other peoples experiences with anxiety and it's related conditions and gain a perspective and re assurance from it.

By not explaining anything or saying "it's nothing" are we not simply telling someone to "chill out and go away"?

yes thats true coz i knew the terms before thats why. he didnt know anything and it is better if u dont know somethings.

02-15-2014, 03:42 AM
It's better to tell them it's anxiety and put their mind at rest than let them worry

02-15-2014, 05:46 AM
I feel this pretty much occurs more than it should in the medication forum section, by those of us more reliant, than what we really accept ourselves to be. I wonder if it could be ones own frustration with self that leads us to prescribing for others what they should be doing, taking, who they should see, whilst at the same time, wishing we could do the same for ourselves? Using others to take the focus of ourselves in much the same way procrastination works with depression. Just a thought is all? Of course it's not as dry as all that ... much encouragement it to be had for sure ...

02-15-2014, 10:21 AM
please listen to me good. there was a guy here who was 17 years old and had sleeping problems and so on.he wrote here and some got on diagnosing him you have this u have that. he is just 17 guys. it should be a policy here to calm people not diagnose them specially when they are young ones.they end up googling and obsessing on those gad ocd shit. we should tru a different approach.like calming people and giving simple tips judging by age and severness of the case. i hope you read this thread.i told the guy to get off this forum and shut down the pc and live life coz he had nothing.this is what we should do in these cases.

yes, by Researching about symptoms will only feed the anxiety, I overcame mine by staying away from forums, stopped researching my condition, stopped visiting the doctor, focused on finding and doing hobbies which i loved and now my anxiety is just a memory. I've come back to share what i've learnt and will try to help as many people as possible :)

02-15-2014, 11:58 AM
The frequent posters here are smart people, I heard the advice as : take slowly weening of , or wait and see if this connected to it.... Ativan works good on panic attacks or clonazepam is a good benzo if you really need one.....something like that.
I would say this forum is pretty clean:)))

02-15-2014, 12:11 PM
yes, by Researching about symptoms will only feed the anxiety, I overcame mine by staying away from forums, stopped researching my condition, stopped visiting the doctor, focused on finding and doing hobbies which i loved and now my anxiety is just a memory. I've come back to share what i've learnt and will try to help as many people as possible :)

Hi Greggs2583

I'm being somewhat nosey here, but I noticed from your profile it states that you are a trainee anxiety coach? I haven't come across the term before, is this something done through the NHS?
Or this more privately run NLP/life coaching type of thing? :)

02-22-2014, 05:28 PM
Hi Greggs2583

I'm being somewhat nosey here, but I noticed from your profile it states that you are a trainee anxiety coach? I haven't come across the term before, is this something done through the NHS?
Or this more privately run NLP/life coaching type of thing? :)

Must be a brand new profession :))))))))))))))
Does anyone need some coaching? I am available :)

02-22-2014, 05:50 PM
Must be a brand new profession :)))))))))))))) Does anyone need some coaching? I am available :)

I may need your coaching Dahila, seeing as my $50k student debt so far has only taught me to ignore science and be incorrectly trained ;) ...... In fact I may just end up on the depression forum by the morning ;)