View Full Version : New and nervous!

02-14-2014, 11:15 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm Lizzie and I'm new on here! I've always been a worrier, but the overwhelming anxiety comes and goes in phases. I can have a few days where something trivial is distressing me so much because I expect the worst, but I can also go for days or weeks without feeling too bad at all! So, I don't really know where I stand! I've never spoken to anyone in real life about it, so I've decided to come on here for a bit and see if my experiences match up with anyone elses!

Thanks for reading this! :)

02-14-2014, 11:22 AM
Welcome Lizzie!!

It's just a general anxiety disorder IMHO...but as you already know, made worse to a point of panic by your worries. You came to the right place, it's cozy in here!!

Do you worry daily?? If so, why???

Hopes for a better day..


02-14-2014, 11:23 AM
Oh, and I'm Chris...doh! :P

02-14-2014, 11:46 AM
Hi Chris - Nice to meet you!

I worry about some things daily, (currently its mostly about my boyfriend and my university exams) but the severity of the worry really depends on what else is going on in my life. Sometimes I get really paranoid - On one notable occasion, I convinced myself that my housemate was spying on my computer, and was laughing to himself about it. And then I go into massive panic mode and get upset.
I'm terrified of public speaking/doing assessed work in front of people - which, unfortunately, is a huge part of my job and I have to do it regularly. That is when I'm at my worst. But I also worry a lot about the future and whether I've made the right decisions; I think a lot about what will go wrong. Consequently, I'm completely unable to make decisions without consulting with lots of people first.
The other big thing is that I worry that people will take offense at things that I say or do. I could make a light hearted joke to a friend about something, and they would laugh, but I would go home and obsess over the fact that I might have insulted them and they just weren't telling me that! It's like I have an overactive conscience - and it bugs me over little things that nobody else takes any notice of!

02-14-2014, 01:00 PM
Welcome Polarbear. You did come to the right place. I was a mess when I joined, and it had been a long while since I talked about my problems or how I was to people. I had a lot of insecurities, guilt, worry, panic, anxiety, I wore my feelings on my shirt sleeve, etc.. Still working on every one of those too. But I'm better for it, having joined this site. And just lately, after I made friends with them, I've had a couple of friends who gently told me some things I needed to do, and some things to quit. It didn't hurt my feelings, because I needed to hear this. I've a former chronic alcoholic, and have been sober now for going on seven yrs. I didn't know how to do or be anything when I sobered up. There were several times I just wanted to go back to drinking, because that's the only time I "Thought" I had a personality, or could be funny. But i wanted to, and had to get better, so I didn't. It took me a long time to get to the point of joining a site and sharing with others. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy. But I'm learning, with the help of others, to be myself, and to be comfortable in my own skin. I can be funny and talk to others now. Oh, I have my struggles, but it's amazing how other people can have such a powerful positive effect on you, and help you in ways you never knew possible. Be it Alcohol, or Anxiety!! Or anything. I wouldn't suggest any other place than this one right here. You can laugh and you can cry, and people will love you no matter what. I'm very excited for you, that you joined. I dont think you will regret it. Take care, and see you around. And don't be afraid to open up. have a great weekend. D.