View Full Version : Broken the Cycle!

02-14-2014, 07:13 AM
Hey Guys,

Well, great news... I seem to resolved my anxiety, both day-to-day & health with seemingly minor changes. I'm probably feeling the best I have in about 3 years what with my other problems I've had before this.

I'm not sure what has made a major change but it was either (or a combination of):

a) Vitamin D - I went from taking 200IUs to 1000IUs a couple of weeks before I noticed a change.

b) Running - although I've done regular exercise (walking & weights), I've felt really good having started running regularly.

I'm starting to sleep a little better & I am making some changes to my diet, adding in some 'superfoods': blueberries, avocado, walnuts & also trying to eat a little less meat in favour of plant protein, like different types of beans etc. Regardless of whether or not 'superfoods' are really that amazing, it'll give a bit more variation to my diet from healthy sources! Also, I've noticed some of you saying how occasionally going vegetarian can be good for you & also read that diets high in meat aren't great. (Reading about the Tarahumara in 'Born to Run' - fantastic book even if you aren't into running!)

Ironically, it's lucky my health anxiety has been a non-issue because I have been diagnosed with mild-IBS & also, something the running has brought up, possible Exercise-Induced Asthma. I've wheezed occasionally after intense exercise for a long time but never brought it up. I didn't even look these things up before calling the Doctor, even though I had some idea what was going on... so that's a good sign! I wonder if my IBS perhaps brought on my health anxiety because I was often feeling a bit off even if I couldn't place how.

I've learnt a lot of useful things here, it's amazing how small changes can really help for some of us.

02-14-2014, 07:29 AM
I am so glad to read of someone that feels that they have overcome their anxiety! As a very new member, it gives me hope and allows me to believe that I too can overcome what I am dealing with in regards to anxiety.
Thank you and keep up the great work! :)

02-14-2014, 07:33 AM
My anxiety was fairly mild in the grand scheme of things but it seemed bad to me & was having effects nonetheless. The health anxiety was the main problem really.

Even if these changes won't cure everyone's anxiety, they are often a good step towards gaining some control over it & coping.

02-14-2014, 07:49 AM
Great to hear! Keep up the good work...

02-14-2014, 08:46 AM
YAY!!! Vegetarian!!! You WILL notice a difference in how you "feel"....
Good to see you Chatty!


02-14-2014, 11:28 AM
Good news Chat!

I have seen Vitamin D3 help me as well. I recently read where it can eliminate anxiety for some. The doses were high but they went to their doc and found they could use the extra D3. I'm still plugging away on magnesium and L-glutamine, as well as a 3gram L-arginine. Have now cut clonazepam back by a 1/4, and Effexor in half. I actually stopped Effexor the past two days completely, but thought it may be safer to knock that in half first. So today I took 18.75mg of Effexor, and wish I hadn't. As it seems too much with the L-glutamine. Live and learn, lots of options, and we know our own bodies best. Lots of chamomile tea as well. That's another new thing for me and man does that make ya sleepy.

Best to all, Peace