View Full Version : Good morning

02-14-2014, 06:29 AM
I have noticed that the more I get better the less I have to be here searching for answers. I know that I may bug some of u, and it's probably why u don't ever respond to my topic. But that's not the way to help people!!! I have a few 1 on 1 friends that I talk to daily from here and they share the same concerns daily. I just help them through it the best I can. I don't see that here. I see a lot of bitching people on fb "mad" because people post about the same stuff. Well folks it's called "anxiety" this means in other words , compulsive thinking, irrational thought, and worry... If anyone here needs comfort inbox me. I will help them to the best of my knowledge. Everyone needs patience.. I'm sorry if u don't like my post but its the truth. Have a blessed day and hope anxiety and worry free :):)

02-14-2014, 08:21 AM
Thank you and yes, we all need abit of pateince with one another...I didn't get much of that when I was born LOL!!..Good to see that you're doing better ILU!. I ALWAYS respond to you, even if it is a repeat...remember????? YAY!!

You have a great day as well friend!!!....
