View Full Version : Bitchy anxiety tonight

Olive Yew
02-14-2014, 03:17 AM
First it wont let me sleep. Then when I DID sleep I have a dream about hanging off the side of the empire state building by a rope, then i wake up to a headache, sweats, and feeling jittery so I turn on some Aquamarine (dont judge me, it relaxes me) and now i'm just trying to relax and answer some posts and crap to get comfy again. :( stupid head.....

02-14-2014, 03:21 AM
Erghh anxiety just likes to throw you around like a rag doll huh?!!! No one will judge you, if it helps you then go for it!! When I can't sleep I have to watch a film or something... I end up getting to sleep when it gets light strangely... Hope you get some sleep soon and feel okay in the morning!

Olive Yew
02-14-2014, 05:35 AM
Erghh anxiety just likes to throw you around like a rag doll huh?!!! No one will judge you, if it helps you then go for it!! When I can't sleep I have to watch a film or something... I end up getting to sleep when it gets light strangely... Hope you get some sleep soon and feel okay in the morning!

Thanks :) i got back to sleep fairly easily. No dreams :)

02-14-2014, 08:52 AM
I didn't know whether to read this one or not!!! Bitchy!!...LMAO!
Glad you got to feeling better and get some rest Olive...

Have a great day!


Olive Yew
02-14-2014, 09:20 AM
I didn't know whether to read this one or not!!! Bitchy!!...LMAO! Glad you got to feeling better and get some rest Olive... Have a great day! E-Man..:)

Lol thanks! :D

02-15-2014, 01:20 AM
First it wont let me sleep. Then when I DID sleep I have a dream about hanging off the side of the empire state building by a rope, then i wake up to a headache, sweats, and feeling jittery so I turn on some Aquamarine (dont judge me, it relaxes me) and now i'm just trying to relax and answer some posts and crap to get comfy again. :( stupid head.....
Story of my life! :( except I put on Disney, haha. Hang in there xo

Olive Yew
02-15-2014, 11:09 PM
Its back guys. Really bad. CREEEEEPY dreams. Emotional numbness, completely exhausted. I just wanna sleep :(

02-15-2014, 11:47 PM
Its back guys. Really bad. CREEEEEPY dreams. Emotional numbness, completely exhausted. I just wanna sleep :(
Sorry to hear this Olive Yew! I know too well what you are going through! It's a damn vicious cycle this not sleeping well thing that fuels the anxiety. Are you able to take sleep meds? Trust me that I know how horrible this is...find something to refocus and relax your mind...

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 06:35 AM
Sorry to hear this Olive Yew! I know too well what you are going through! It's a damn vicious cycle this not sleeping well thing that fuels the anxiety. Are you able to take sleep meds? Trust me that I know how horrible this is...find something to refocus and relax your mind...

No meds. I dont do the meds thing.

I ended up having nightmares the while night :(

02-16-2014, 08:33 AM
Has this happened before or just a recent thing?

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 08:38 AM
Yeah in the past it has when I was having really bad panic attacks. It doesn't happen very often anymore which i guess makes it feel worse than it really is.

02-16-2014, 08:44 AM
Yeah in the past it has when I was having really bad panic attacks. It doesn't happen very often anymore which i guess makes it feel worse than it really is.
I wonder if it's brought on by stress? It's a vicious cycle though...can't sleep, feel tired, body aches, aches turn to serious health issues in the mind and that sets off the anxiety/ panic! Ughhh

Olive Yew
02-16-2014, 08:57 AM
I wonder if it's brought on by stress? It's a vicious cycle though...can't sleep, feel tired, body aches, aches turn to serious health issues in the mind and that sets off the anxiety/ panic! Ughhh

It's awful

02-16-2014, 09:03 AM
It's awful
Know it all too well...