View Full Version : Can't sleep!! Ugh

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 02:42 AM
Anyone.. I just lay awake thinkng of every Goddamn thing that is..

02-14-2014, 08:07 AM
Ughhh...been there Terre!!! What's triggered this episode? I find that listening to the radio helps. I plug in my earbuds and try and refocus my thoughts. It's the OCD in us that keeps us in the obsessive loop!

02-14-2014, 08:40 AM
You have to shut the brain down..
Everybody wants to lay down, and think,,,,about everything under the sun.
Most of the things, will be corrected in TIME..
Some of the things, won't ever change at all...
Those things must be accepted and all other things must be put on hold...
I know, I used to do this sammmmeee dayyyum thing until the past year...
I just lay down (when I'm tired, not trying to force sleep) and say WTF...its bedtime NOT think about everything time...and
Writing shit down helps too because it "gets it out of your head"....and on paper for review the following day....

Just some thoughts.

Have a great day friend...


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 01:32 PM
Ughhh...been there Terre!!! What's triggered this episode? I find that listening to the radio helps. I plug in my earbuds and try and refocus my thoughts. It's the OCD in us that keeps us in the obsessive loop!

It seems lately that i have sleep anxiety.. Falling asleep is scary to me...
Ugh and then i wake up shaking, lips, hands, my whole body... Sucks so much :/
Thank you for the advice :)

02-14-2014, 01:45 PM
Think up a narrative and run with it. Seriously. Something positive and deeply involving. It tends to work for me. You get lost with the story and then you tend to forget you'r eeven trying to get to sleep. But one sure fide cure is logging off a forum, shutting down the PC and getting ot bed :P


02-14-2014, 01:56 PM
It seems lately that i have sleep anxiety.. Falling asleep is scary to me...
Ugh and then i wake up shaking, lips, hands, my whole body... Sucks so much :/
Thank you for the advice :)

I did not know this Terre...
I have seen this before but didn't know how to assist..
Can you pleeassseee explain to me what the fear of falling asleep is, in your own words???
I want to learn more, so I can help more....


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 02:46 PM
I did not know this Terre...
I have seen this before but didn't know how to assist..
Can you pleeassseee explain to me what the fear of falling asleep is, in your own words???
I want to learn more, so I can help more....


Well ummm hmmm, how can i put it?
My anxiety is always a thousand times worse when i wake up.. I wake up with a shot of adrenalin, impending doom, shaking and lips quivering, my hands shaking uncontrollably..
So i guess the fear and anticipation of that feeling makes it hard to want to sleep... Idk it sucks :(

02-14-2014, 02:57 PM
I know that you've been here awhile but I have to ask this next question anyway, Doctors, therapy, counceling, meds, or none of those...just winging it?
I can't recall (sorry) I see sooooo many people here, or at least read about soooo many people here anyways..
Ever had your endocrine system checked out, like a hormone screen or thyroid or any other blood work?
Sorry to be so daaayyyyuummm nosey but it sometimes helps to figure out the causes of these issues....or maybe....
It's just because you know that there's sooooo muccchhh that you wish to do or accomplish when you're awake or just getting up???
Stresses of the many different directions that you're being tugged to go??

I'm trying!! YAY!!!

Yes, I agree that would suck to hate to go to sleep and also to hate to wake up....a vicious cycle..and sleep deprevation itself can be very troubling in many ways...
Throws the hormones wayyyy outta wack....:(


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 03:58 PM
I know that you've been here awhile but I have to ask this next question anyway, Doctors, therapy, counceling, meds, or none of those...just winging it?
I can't recall (sorry) I see sooooo many people here, or at least read about soooo many people here anyways..
Ever had your endocrine system checked out, like a hormone screen or thyroid or any other blood work?
Sorry to be so daaayyyyuummm nosey but it sometimes helps to figure out the causes of these issues....or maybe....
It's just because you know that there's sooooo muccchhh that you wish to do or accomplish when you're awake or just getting up???
Stresses of the many different directions that you're being tugged to go??

I'm trying!! YAY!!!

Yes, I agree that would suck to hate to go to sleep and also to hate to wake up....a vicious cycle..and sleep deprevation itself can be very troubling in many ways...
Throws the hormones wayyyy outta wack....:(


I just had my 4th EKG and a buncha blood tests done a week ago.. But she didn't check my hormones and i'm not sure why.. So waiting for the results... Been on Celexa for two months.. I told her that i was lethargic and wanted to sleep all day so she up'd me from 20 to 30mgs...my anxiety was ok'ish for about a week but have to take xanax as soon as i wake up.. And i still feel tired all the time until i actually try to go sleep..
I was on celexa before but it didn't affect me like this :(
As for therapy, i saw a psychiatrist a few times and he was a fucktard.. Made my anxiety way worse..
Where i live, you have to pay up front to see a psychologist and then at the end of the year they refund the money.. But at $100 an hr, i can't afford that..
Ive been diagnosed with GAD,OCD,PTSD,agoraphobia and depression.. Though i only ever seem to be depressed when i'm on an SSRI....
I have never felt this low and lethargic in my life, ive never been able to nap and now all day i'm fighting to keep my eyes open...
Ive tried vites and obsessive working out and ive tried very expensive laser acupuncture and expensive anxiety therapy based out of NZ...
Thats pretty much my story Eman..

02-14-2014, 04:27 PM
Essentially, you're healthy by all account and standards or you wouldv'e found something in a blood test and EKG...low thyroid may be a part of this issue..
Would really be great if they could check your hormones, but maybe a pain in the ass to get them to do it where you are..
Been on (citalopram) for 2 months...I "wonder" if maybe a switch to (escitalopram) may be your ticket to some sense of "normalcy"..
Considering that at least here, Celexa is approved for major depression but can cause insomnia AND Lexapro is approved for major depression AND anxiety without...
insomnia...hmmmm....same (basic) chemical but really (2) different approvals over here...Users of Lexapro "generally" report less anxiety and it does double duty..
Celexa doesn't do double-duty very well if at all....it doesn't cross over into the World of Anxiety and can also cause severe drowsiness WITH insomnia...
I think I'm starting to put something together here that may be useful to you...See what I'm thinking and typing? It may just be a simple switch, to switch this off....

I'm guessing that it's the Celexa throwing you so far off...and doing NOTHING for your anxiety as you've mentioned it's very powerful still...
Have you ever tried the Lexapro instead????.....it's the same general chemical but just abit different, if that makes any sense....at all.

Also, you mentioned vites, do you still take them everyday too with food?? I'm guessing that your diet may be all outta wack too considering everything else and
that is fully understandable...Plus, youre a Vegan so you have to supplement B12, and there are some aminos that we don't get too from veggies..at all. And some are essential to our bodies...

Still thinking,...you don't need a Psych as it appears youre extremely stable in the world of Psych, just struggling with trying to figure out the answers that you know
are out there to find..You're very witty even with GAD, OCD, PTSD, agoraphobia, and dealing with depression too...you stand your grounds.

Thank you for sharing, I know you better now and that helps...

Just some thoughts for you friend!!

Oh great, whiny doggie is awake now..time to whine!!! YAY!!!

Last question: How much xanax do you have to take daily to cope???


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 04:48 PM
Essentially, you're healthy by all account and standards or you wouldv'e found something in a blood test and EKG...low thyroid may be a part of this issue..
Would really be great if they could check your hormones, but maybe a pain in the ass to get them to do it where you are..
Been on (citalopram) for 2 months...I "wonder" if maybe a switch to (escitalopram) may be your ticket to some sense of "normalcy"..
Considering that at least here, Celexa is approved for major depression but can cause insomnia AND Lexapro is approved for major depression AND anxiety without...
insomnia...hmmmm....same (basic) chemical but really (2) different approvals over here...Users of Lexapro "generally" report less anxiety and it does double duty..
Celexa doesn't do double-duty very well if at all....it doesn't cross over into the World of Anxiety and can also cause severe drowsiness WITH insomnia...
I think I'm starting to put something together here that may be useful to you...See what I'm thinking and typing? It may just be a simple switch, to switch this off....

I'm guessing that it's the Celexa throwing you so far off...and doing NOTHING for your anxiety as you've mentioned it's very powerful still...
Have you ever tried the Lexapro instead????.....it's the same general chemical but just abit different, if that makes any sense....at all.

Also, you mentioned vites, do you still take them everyday too with food?? I'm guessing that your diet may be all outta wack too considering everything else and
that is fully understandable...Plus, youre a Vegan so you have to supplement B12, and there are some aminos that we don't get too from veggies..at all. And some are essential to our bodies...

Still thinking,...you don't need a Psych as it appears youre extremely stable in the world of Psych, just struggling with trying to figure out the answers that you know
are out there to find..You're very witty even with GAD, OCD, PTSD, agoraphobia, and dealing with depression too...you stand your grounds.

Thank you for sharing, I know you better now and that helps...

Just some thoughts for you friend!!

Oh great, whiny doggie is awake now..time to whine!!! YAY!!!

Last question: How much xanax do you have to take daily to cope???


Do you know if lexapro causes weight gain? Another anxiety trigger for me.. Xanax i take 2-4 a day.. I have 4 left and i'm freaking out inside that i'm running out..

02-14-2014, 04:55 PM
I have not ever seen anyone complain here about Lexapro and weight gain, now that isn't to say that someone out there somewhere gained some weight, I just haven't seen that as a side effect as weightgain has been linked to some others like Paxil or Prozac...It may just be a little tweak in your medication that's needed and a switch over to this instead as many people have reported here and elsewhere about the positive energy it provides them too...hmmm...

It will also more than likely lighten up that Xanax load abit too..

I just don't think that the Celexa is the med for you considering allllll that you've stated here and the side effects of that med in comparison to what you're presented...

Better try to get that Xanax refilled soon Terre!!!

Just some opinions to offer you friend,...you may be surprised with a simple change and adjustment.


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 04:57 PM
Do you know if lexapro causes weight gain? Another anxiety trigger for me.. Xanax i take 2-4 a day.. I have 4 left and i'm freaking out inside that i'm running out..

Dr's here are stingy with Benzo's but i feel i need them just to cope..
I haven't been taking my vites as i should be but i do take B12 and magnesium and grape seed extract.. Oh vitamin D too.. I don't have energy to workout and ive hardly been eating.. Sometimes once a day sometimes not at all.. Ive lost my love for cooking and drive to thrive basically..
Ugh i'm depressing myself lol sorry, i feel guilty just talking about it to you.. Don't want to drag you down :/

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 05:00 PM
I have not ever seen anyone complain here about Lexapro and weight gain, now that isn't to say that someone out there somewhere gained some weight, I just haven't seen that as a side effect as weightgain has been linked to some others like Paxil or Prozac...It may just be a little tweak in your medication that's needed and a switch over to this instead as many people have reported here and elsewhere about the positive energy it provides them too...hmmm...

It will also more than likely lighten up that Xanax load abit too..

I just don't think that the Celexa is the med for you considering allllll that you've stated here and the side effects of that med in comparison to what you're presented...

Better try to get that Xanax refilled soon Terre!!!

Just some opinions to offer you friend,...you may be surprised with a simple change and adjustment.


Thank you Eman! I will consider talking to my Dr about Lexapro at my next appt. :)

02-14-2014, 05:00 PM
Shit yer not draggin me down!! I thrive on being able to hunt down anxiety and its causes!! THIS is what make me feel good!!! To help, find the source, then stomp it out!
Keep typing if you wish too...it helps me, to help you...(Celexa dragggggiiiinnnggggg you dowwwnnnnnnnnn) YES.


02-14-2014, 05:02 PM
Thank you Eman! I will consider talking to my Dr about Lexapro at my next appt. :)

YAY!!! maybe, the answer!!....(hoping, wishing!)..


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 05:04 PM
Shit yer not draggin me down!! I thrive on being able to hunt down anxiety and its causes!! THIS is what make me feel good!!! To help, find the source, then stomp it out!
Keep typing if you wish too...it helps me, to help you...(Celexa dragggggiiiinnnggggg you dowwwnnnnnnnnn) YES.


Thank you again! I feel a bit better jut getting off my chest :))

02-14-2014, 05:06 PM
See how that works!!!...I annoy you with questions, you answer them...thinking holy shit why is he so nosey,..then you feel better!!! YAY!!! :D


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 05:12 PM
See how that works!!!...I annoy you with questions, you answer them...thinking holy shit why is he so nosey,..then you feel better!!! YAY!!! :D


Hahahaha! ;)

02-14-2014, 05:16 PM
I realized that you had 230 posts, and I didn't even realllllyyyyy know why you were here!!! I wanna start reading YOUR success threads soon...and all that shizzzz above will help to put you on that track. That wasn't soooo difficult was it???!!!....and yer laughing too!....WIN WIN!

We're here if you need us Terre...


02-14-2014, 05:26 PM
Celexa is evil, I had a constant panic attack after that, I took small dose and after 4 days I colapsed and stoped, two day and my heartbeat went from 110 to my usual 70....It was a nightmare...

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 05:51 PM
Celexa is evil, I had a constant panic attack after that, I took small dose and after 4 days I colapsed and stoped, two day and my heartbeat went from 110 to my usual 70....It was a nightmare...

Sorry to hear that Dahlia :(
I'm definitely going to talk to my GP about a change of meds...

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 05:57 PM
I realized that you had 230 posts, and I didn't even realllllyyyyy know why you were here!!! I wanna start reading YOUR success threads soon...and all that shizzzz above will help to put you on that track. That wasn't soooo difficult was it???!!!....and yer laughing too!....WIN WIN!

We're here if you need us Terre...


Wow! I didn't even know i had 230 posts! Lol
And i hope to be having some success posts soon too!!
Thanks for the support! :)))