View Full Version : Scared

02-14-2014, 12:51 AM
Sleeping an when I wake I have problems breathing it feels like pressure specially when I deep inhale kinda idk what to do it's making me light headed an weak

02-14-2014, 01:29 AM
Do nothing. Think about the pains you got last night. Where are they now? Gone. Replaced by new symptoms with new fears. Let go of the fear. These sensations aren't going to be the end of you. The more tense, fearful and scared you remain the more the symptoms will hit you.


Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 01:33 AM
Sleeping an when I wake I have problems breathing it feels like pressure specially when I deep inhale kinda idk what to do it's making me light headed an weak

You won't stop breathing hun, your lungs have a job and they will do their job until they are meant not too..
Do you have asthma or any lung function issues? Other than worries?

Terre Nova
02-14-2014, 01:37 AM
Sleeping an when I wake I have problems breathing it feels like pressure specially when I deep inhale kinda idk what to do it's making me light headed an weak

Its almost like OCD.. Just wait 4-5 breaths... That deep breath will come! Take it as satisfaction, knowing that this is a symptom (horrid as it may be) of anxiety/panic disorder....
I had 4 years of breathing hell! Pls take my advice <3

02-14-2014, 01:38 AM
you wont run out of breath. it is not up to you it is a biological thing to breath.even if youd want to stop u actually cant. so relax. lightheadness is a problem though, but it is common among us. just do what u always do and stop thinking of it. i know it is hard but it is a must.

02-14-2014, 01:39 AM
Its almost like OCD.. Just wait 4-5 breaths... That deep breath will come! Take it as satisfaction, knowing that this is a symptom (horrid as it may be) of anxiety/panic disorder.... I had 4 years of breathing hell! Pls take my advice <3

Nope no lung issues an it's always when I lay down my breathing becomes a struggle specially through my nose it's like a blockage feeling in my chest no pain just pressure

02-14-2014, 01:40 AM
Its almost like OCD.. Just wait 4-5 breaths... That deep breath will come! Take it as satisfaction, knowing that this is a symptom (horrid as it may be) of anxiety/panic disorder.... I had 4 years of breathing hell! Pls take my advice <3

I get slight pain on my chest like a stabbing feeling an needle feelings as well as major hoarseness in my voice

02-14-2014, 01:44 AM
you have what is called big O as OCD but not with compulsions. its developed from anxiety. it is a normal thing. i have it too and in a scary way sometimes. i developed dp dr from my BIG O. i am recovreing now. thinking it as a common anxiety thing. exaggerating things is pretty common. think of it as a simple thing. and go on

02-14-2014, 01:49 AM
you have what is called big O as OCD but not with compulsions. its developed from anxiety. it is a normal thing. i have it too and in a scary way sometimes. i developed dp dr from my BIG O. i am recovreing now. thinking it as a common anxiety thing. exaggerating things is pretty common. think of it as a simple thing. and go on

I'm trying so hard but experiencing new symptoms I never felt before like burping when I burp now it's like something is blocking or preventing me from it when I feel things like that I go into omg what is this and how is it going to go away or is it something worse

02-14-2014, 02:00 AM
yeah i know. you try to find answers for everything. same as me. but hey somethings dont have answers girl. how many planets are there?is there life in other planets?how does the brain work? who are we humans? these things dont have and dont need answers. just live. why worry. i had everything you mentioned, but one day i said fuck it i will live as i used to or better. also meds are helping me recover and i am on a good way. see it is all about training yourself. jesus i used to think i was blind even though i see pretty well. my mind is obsessive now so i can easily believe things and worry all day and night. but i dont do that anymore. just let it be. no need for answer or if you want one there it is. it is anxiety messing with you. if you play its game you are lost. if u dont you win. stop messing with the beast.

02-14-2014, 02:13 AM
yeah i know. you try to find answers for everything. same as me. but hey somethings dont have answers girl. how many planets are there?is there life in other planets?how does the brain work? who are we humans? these things dont have and dont need answers. just live. why worry. i had everything you mentioned, but one day i said fuck it i will live as i used to or better. also meds are helping me recover and i am on a good way. see it is all about training yourself. jesus i used to think i was blind even though i see pretty well. my mind is obsessive now so i can easily believe things and worry all day and night. but i dont do that anymore. just let it be. no need for answer or if you want one there it is. it is anxiety messing with you. if you play its game you are lost. if u dont you win. stop messing with the beast.

You are soooooo beyond right !!!!!!

02-14-2014, 02:15 AM
just go on living. it is the best medicine. if u dont worry than your brain will forget silly things and accept reality as a normal thing. if u think all day all night that u are a tree u will end up like one some day. but if you think u are human and live as humans do your brain will remind itself your prior self. smile girl it is valentines day. make some love today u will feel better.

02-14-2014, 02:19 AM
just go on living. it is the best medicine. if u dont worry than your brain will forget silly things and accept reality as a normal thing. if u think all day all night that u are a tree u will end up like one some day. but if you think u are human and live as humans do your brain will remind itself your prior self. smile girl it is valentines day. make some love today u will feel better.

Yea your right I was never like this until December with my first panic attack now everything has changed it's scary and annoying cause I wanna be happy an have all these symptoms behind me but it's not as easy and we may think or want it to be it's a process

02-14-2014, 02:24 AM
i know but as they say get busy living or get busy dying. i too had panic attacks from december and completely lost it. i would doubt everything, i was on the verge of loosing it. lost sleep, couldnt eat, and so on. had my worst period of life. almost fell in depression. i thought that this was the end. but it wasnt. i got up, go for runs, dealt with my obligations, and now i am recovering. and to think i am 22 years old, it was so hard for me. all my friends wouldnt understand except some other sufferers. but nevertheless, u should do exactly what u have done prior to decembre.

02-14-2014, 02:33 AM
A panic attack can change everything. Why? Because it removes a sense of safety within your own mind and body. From then on you could get a headache and you assume the worst. Everything becomes cancer or some underlying disease because you no longer feel safe inside yourself anymore. You doubt everything, you're paranoid and you wind up pushed away from reality with all the fear and worry.

How do you combat it?> You let the pains and symptoms come and go as they please. These are all caused by your fight or flight response going crazy. So don't fight or fear it. It won't work - it'll just make the symptoms last longer and feel more intense.

Accepting that it's anxiety is the first step. All the symptoms you've described I've experienced multiple times over the 4 years that anxiety has manifested itself with hourly physical symptoms every day for the duration of the 4 years. But you can control the anxiety - it's not in control of you. Quite the opposite - the more you get flustered, scared and worried the worse you'll make the symptoms and often, create new ones which become the next fixation. Let the symptoms be and move on as best you can.


02-15-2014, 01:58 PM
i know but as they say get busy living or get busy dying. i too had panic attacks from december and completely lost it. i would doubt everything, i was on the verge of loosing it. lost sleep, couldnt eat, and so on. had my worst period of life. almost fell in depression. i thought that this was the end. but it wasnt. i got up, go for runs, dealt with my obligations, and now i am recovering. and to think i am 22 years old, it was so hard for me. all my friends wouldnt understand except some other sufferers. but nevertheless, u should do exactly what u have done prior to decembre.

That's exactly what I'm going through now at the age of 20