View Full Version : Becoming Agrophobic?

03-11-2008, 12:13 PM
For the past few weeks I've only left the house to run errands and it seems anytime I leave I get a panic attack or feel weird while driving. I used to have intrusive thoughts of harm now it's scared thoughts that I'm having a heart attack or something. The newest fear is I focus on my breathing cause I've had a cold and at times it feels like I breathe weird.

I've been prescibed Clonzeapam & Sertaline... I took the Clonzepam once it calmed me down but it sucked once it wore off and I'm hesistant to take an SSRI although this is becoming a huge problem considering I can't even work a job. Has anyone else been through this? If so how do you start making it better?

03-11-2008, 02:03 PM
You are DEFINATLY not alone, so breath and nice refreshing breath, and read what i have to say.
Anxiety sucks, it's embarrasing, and you often find yourself asking WHY CAN'T I JUST BE NORMAL?! the simple answer is, you can't be. You are unique, you are you. I know what you mean about thinking you'll die from sudden death, but know that anxiety causes alot of physical things that we think will be other things like heart attack stroke cancer etc etc, just DONT FREAK OUT. I find that xanax works best for me, never tried what you have, but I just feel like Xanax is the best because it puts me in a state of mind where I can only be positive (mostly)
So know you aren't alone, and you aren't ganna die of sudden death. :)

Hope this helped

03-11-2008, 04:54 PM
I'm not sure what causes the panic I think its because I had a huge panic attack about a month ago followed by a few more while driving. Its probably just the anticipation of having another anxiety attack it's like my mind attachs to a certain thought and doesn't let go it drives me crazy.

03-12-2008, 01:51 PM
Can someone please help? I had no ride to my physcarist she couldn't meet over the phone with me supposedly for my own safety cause they said "anyone could pretend to be you". This is really annoying and it takes her nurse a few days to get back with me when I have a question about a prescription. Also last night when I was sitting down my stomach and side started to feel really tight is this a common anxiety symptom as well?

The Melody of Rain
03-12-2008, 04:54 PM
WHY CANT I JUST BE NORMAL?!...the simple answer is, you can't.

I'll presume you're refering to the specific moment and not in general. If we were speaking in general terms, the answer would of course be 'yes you can'. My apologies should this read dictative, but I wanted to clarify this. Its entirely possible to completely reverse anxiety, but that doesnt mean its going to be easy. In a sentence, the soloution to the problem involves a blend of positive thought and relaxation and thats the only way. It usually comes in that order also.


Personally, SSRI's increased my anxiety thusly flinging me into a ten month bout of depersonalisation. Having said that, they could prove a godsend for you. If and when I offer advice I draw from experience, so I'll advise you to try them as strictly a resort. In regard to your stomach ailment, this is a side effect of stress, of which anxiety is a side effect of.

What exactly is causing you all this stress? Are you unaware of the cause?

03-13-2008, 10:27 AM
WHY CANT I JUST BE NORMAL?!...the simple answer is, you can't.

I'll presume you're refering to the specific moment and not in general. If we were speaking in general terms, the answer would of course be 'yes you can'. My apologies should this read dictative, but I wanted to clarify this. Its entirely possible to completely reverse anxiety, but that doesnt mean its going to be easy. In a sentence, the soloution to the problem involves a blend of positive thought and relaxation and thats the only way. It usually comes in that order also.


Personally, SSRI's increased my anxiety thusly flinging me into a ten month bout of depersonalisation. Having said that, they could prove a godsend for you. If and when I offer advice I draw from experience, so I'll advise you to try them as strictly a resort. In regard to your stomach ailment, this is a side effect of stress, of which anxiety is a side effect of.

What exactly is causing you all this stress? Are you unaware of the cause?

I think whats causing the stress is my inability to live normal without panic. It seems like things get worse everyday. Instead of intrusive harm thoughts I seem to be having health concerns. It's pretty rediculous that now I worry about my breathing and it seems like the longer into the day the more I worry.

Barry the Badger
03-13-2008, 02:11 PM
I know exactly what you mean on the breathing front. I often get the sensation that I can only breath in and if i don't remember how to exhale, my lungs will collapse. I have to really focus on the fact its the anxiety trying to get me and the fact I'm not about to suffocate.

03-19-2008, 02:36 PM
Be careful with the SSRI's, they don't tend to work that well and cause a host of side effects, some of which can be serious.

I recommend you take a look at the book mentioned below (see my WWW link)