View Full Version : Derealization attacks!!

02-13-2014, 07:28 PM
I can't sleep right now and I feel like i'm about to lose it. The derealization thing is killing me. I get some sort of "derealization attacks", It's like someone is punching me in the face every minute and I space out completly.

I f***ing hate this. It always hits me before sleep. I'm supposed to wake up in 4 hours to go to school. Ugh, any ideas on how to get rid of this asap? I'm not fearing it and I'm not having other symptoms like heart palps/nausea/shaking etc.

I'm trying to sleep but when I do, I feel like my breathing stops. Really irritating!!I t's f***ing with me when I'm about to sleep too, how am I supposed to control myself when I'm about to sleep, IRRATIONAL. I'm really pissed off right now because I'm not getting any sleep. UGH!!

I've been to the doc and apparently nothing is wrong with me.

02-13-2014, 07:40 PM
You need some melatonin to help you get some friggin sleep and if you didnt live if fuggin Sweden I'd send ya some...(natural)...

Your Doc was a fuggin Moron with a capital M....


02-13-2014, 08:01 PM
i had one too but when i woke up.see it is all about brain. when it shuts itself when tired or prior to sleeping or wake up,you loose your senses. and that is all.your senses are lost at some level and when the brain shuts down you loose even more . gotta have courage and work youraelf by saying it is normal i am tired thats all. i woke up spacey and lost bur slept again and now i am fine.

02-13-2014, 08:54 PM
could you get some melatonin or even zzzquil (sleeping help of nyquil without the cold medicine)