View Full Version : Worried about missing school D:

02-13-2014, 04:38 PM
Hi :D

I have been back at school for 14 school days, and of those I have already been away for 4. My immune system has been quite bad since the depression really worsened, so I get colds often + very badly (I have one now and am missing school...), and I get migraines when stressed. Since my anxiety has been very high lately, I've had 3 over the past couple of weeks.

I am really worried that this will continue throughout the school year... I can't keep missing school, it's my last year and classes are important... but, when I miss school it's only if I really need to. My migraines are very severe, and I literally can't do anything when I get them. And I go to school if my cold is mild, but I often get ones where I can't focus on anything other than how bad I feel.

What can I do about this? I'm really worried... I always try and do some work when I'm home sick if I can, but I never get that much done anyway :(

02-13-2014, 05:21 PM
You may already know what I'm going to say,..speak to your councelor, speak to an MD, and get some medications to help you through this but this may not be what you wanted to see...It may only get worse, before it gets better friend...Gotta get the depression, anxiety, and auto-immune system under your own control and not the other way around..
