View Full Version : Ancient medicine

02-13-2014, 03:09 PM
hey i want to write about some old recepeis for treating things.

mixing salt and onions and bandaging a skin wound helps skin growth.
mixing alchohol like grappa with honey and boiling them together and drinking it when it is cold helps against cough.
put butter and a paracetamol in tea helps with temperature.
drinking onion juice in the morning helps clearing breathing ways and throat (it is not nice but it helps a lot).
daphne foils in boiling water and breathing the vapour out of the pan helps against sinuses.
cherry tails are made tea and help against kidney stones.

02-13-2014, 03:31 PM
Onion juice? o.O Blaugh!

Did not know any of these. Thanks for sharing! :)

02-13-2014, 03:41 PM
Toothache=put a clove of raw garlic on it, bite down...leave for a minute or two..chew and swallow. No tooth ache.
Sore throat=drink apple cidar vinegar with honey,..no sore throat.
Stuffy nose=eat a little horseradish..no stuffy nose.
Onion juice????YUK!!! LMAO!
