View Full Version : Shine any light on the topic?

02-13-2014, 01:25 PM
I had another therapist appointment last night and it's going really well. I've seen this particular therapist many, many times within the past 6-7 years or so.

He believes I'm more depressed than anxious (I'm on the wrong forum BAHAHAA!!). I'm willing to hear him out. He thinks I have what's called "signal anxiety," which developed in response to depression. I did some research and signal anxiety is apparently the "common" type of anxiety that all humans have – the type of anxiety that tells you to get off your butt and reach for a goal! It's your body's way of communicating with you that something is wrong.

Up until last night I had never heard of this before... does anyone else have experience with this term?

02-13-2014, 01:28 PM
Let me add... I knew every human had a "normal" amount of anxiety and that it's obviously a part of life (don't want you to think I'm stupid!), but I had no idea that it could warn your body by manifesting itself into a more physical form of anxiety that we are all more familiar with.

02-13-2014, 01:29 PM
Sounds like a fancy way to say "panic attack" to me..IDK..I know we all have the flight or fight response, the panic switch, but you don't seeeeeeemmmmm like a depressed person to me (from here) but I'm sure that you have ups and downs depending upon the day, just as we all do. Shit maybe I'm depressed now!!! :)

02-13-2014, 01:30 PM
I had another therapist appointment last night and it's going really well. I've seen this particular therapist many, many times within the past 6-7 years or so.

He believes I'm more depressed than anxious (I'm on the wrong forum BAHAHAA!!). I'm willing to hear him out. He thinks I have what's called "signal anxiety," which developed in response to depression. I did some research and signal anxiety is apparently the "common" type of anxiety that all humans have – the type of anxiety that tells you to get off your butt and reach for a goal! It's your body's way of communicating with you that something is wrong.

Up until last night I had never heard of this before... does anyone else have experience with this term?

Please remind us of your symptoms if you can, and number them...Please?...


02-13-2014, 01:42 PM
I don't experience a lot of panic attacks like most people on the forum. I've always felt like my anxiety was duller, and lasts for longer periods of time... instead of shorter, bursts of panic. Does that makes sense? But when I'm in the throws of anxiety I experience:

1. Feeling overwhelmed, crushed
2. Trouble sleeping
3. Loss of appetite
4. Shaking

And I am generally a happy person, but I have been depressed for a few months now. Simple tasks seem impossible, trouble getting out of bed, constant feeling of hopelessness, etc.

02-13-2014, 01:42 PM
I need to mosey on over to the depression forum hahaha!!

02-13-2014, 01:46 PM
It does make sense. Anxiety is more or less a call to action, hence the adrenaline, and given the world we live in now, unfulfillment and dissatisfaction can be just as legitimate a reason to feel that call to action, as running away from a danger.

It depends what kind of life you have. And have had. Repressed emotions, unlived dreams, living away from your passion, the feeling of missing out etc.. they always feature on the back pages of anxiety books, as things to look at when you've done all the other stuff at the front, like the CBT worksheets. They are all causes or maintaining causes of certain peoples anxiety disorders/ depressions.

In my life I can pinpoint what those things are. I guess they wouldn't make so much sense sharing, but I can see that they're there, and I can see that they affect me. And have affected me! Especially living away from my passion. My passion was always creation; design, music, even entrepreneurial business, writing too (which is why I visit here!).. The way my life went, for financial, health, confidence reasons, I wound up living a life I wasn't that happy with. It wasn't bad, I couldn't complain, but I had this energy that was being wasted. And I could feel it inside, there was this mini tension. There was this lethargy.

It can depend how deep your problem is. Maybe it's a recent thing, maybe you've had things that have gone back to childhood and have been unlived.

Sometimes you need to go back to what you love somehow, other times you just need to hang out with friends more, and go to the cinema or the pub, lol.

All of that (or lack of it) can contribute to self esteem issues, to depression, to lack of calmness.

Something to think over, something to analyse in yourself.

I mean dopamine and serotonin are for a large part, reward chemicals. If you aren't listening to your inner compass so to speak, and you aren't living a life you enjoy, or you aren't active, or achieving things, it's pretty natural for those two things not to be in the best of balances. :)

This and other sort of repressions and unfillments, they can be a surprisingly common cause of psychosomatic illnesses. Even having a mental illness itself can cause these feelings of inactivity and freedom, and in turn cause the psychosomatic stuff, which is a bit of an irony.

Sure, for many people this won't be an issue, but for some, it will.

Only you can tell my dear!

Can't hurt to investigate down this path :)

02-13-2014, 01:51 PM
unfulfillment and dissatisfaction Repressed emotions, unlived dreams, living away from your passion, the feeling of missing out etc.. depression, to lack of calmness. repressions and unfillments, feelings of inactivity and freedom, HOLY SHIT, NOW EMAN IS DEPRESSED AND MOVING TO THE DEPRESSION FORUMS NOW...

Great points, from a young, wise man....:)


02-13-2014, 01:54 PM
I don't experience a lot of panic attacks like most people on the forum. I've always felt like my anxiety was duller, and lasts for longer periods of time... instead of shorter, bursts of panic. Does that makes sense? But when I'm in the throws of anxiety I experience:

1. Feeling overwhelmed, crushed
2. Trouble sleeping
3. Loss of appetite
4. Shaking

And I am generally a happy person, but I have been depressed for a few months now. Simple tasks seem impossible, trouble getting out of bed, constant feeling of hopelessness, etc.

Your therapists has a great point, and is very observant too...You do (at least from 800 miles away) exhibit depressive symptoms although you hide them well in your posts...You can stay in the anxiety forums however because I like your energy and enthusiasm!!!...JUST TAKE A PILL!!!...sorry,..had to throw that in there too...LMAO!

02-13-2014, 01:55 PM
Great points, from a young, wise man....:)



Your dreams are being met though! You love helping people, and just look at Blessed. The gains she's making are incredible! :)

02-13-2014, 01:56 PM
You're very intuitive Jesse, you mentioned exactly how my therapist and I are going to approach the matter; cycling through the various things you mentioned to find the culprit. I have a hunch it has a lot to do with having disconnected myself from my passions. Same as you: designing, creating, ideas of starting my own business. I too, feel that mini tension you mentioned of wasted energy.

Things to ponder...

02-13-2014, 02:02 PM
I definitely want to stick around :) I'm happy when I'm on the forum and I find value in helping others, that's probably why my depression doesn't show through here.

02-13-2014, 02:02 PM

Your dreams are being met though! You love helping people, and just look at Blessed. The gains she's making are incredible! :)

I know and there are many, many others that are on that "right track" now too...It is fulfilling!!! Keep up the great work here bruhhhhhh...alot of success is nice to see...:)

02-13-2014, 02:04 PM
**helping others**

