View Full Version : Fear of Stroke, Signs + Symptoms?

03-10-2008, 09:06 PM
Before you read this I want everyone to know it has a tiny bit to do with sexual nature, so viewer discretion is advised.

So first it was someone close to me dying, then it was my food being drugged, then it was me having a heart attack, and now it's a brain tumor/stroke, I ask you, WHEN DOES IT ALL FREAKING END?! Well, to get over my new anxiety, whatever it is, I usually just need to be told I am or am not okay, when to see the doctor, if I even NEED to see a doctor, etc etc, so here is what I am experiencing.

Whenever I actually think about it, I get a headache. Not eyes melting headache, but just one that won't go away. As soon as my mind goes elsewhere and I stop, the headache goes away, which lets off a red light saying it's anxiety, but of course I can't think that!! Another thing is twitches, I almost thought of tourettes, but I doubt it as I am not a child anymore. The twitches will be like my head kinda jerks or as I'm typing my hand will suddenly jerk to the right or left. It's jerks, not exactly twitches. They happen usually when I'm behind my computer.

The last thing is that I get headaches after an orgasm. I know this is something that alot of people suffer from, but I saw that it might be a warning sign to a brain tumor, which got me FREAKING out in my hypochondirac state.

So please, anxietyforum, help me out, tell me what this is all about, re-assure me or tell me I should go to the emergency room. Please reply, I hate seeing my posts with 58072304 views and 0 responses, anything will help.

Thanks in advance.

03-11-2008, 08:31 PM
I really want some replys guys, I check this about every hour since I posted it because I'm so scared. Please someone help

03-11-2008, 09:37 PM
First off, when it comes to such fears of a serious health issue - it's always best to go to a doctor and get checked out. Once they tell you the problem isn't physical or that you're not dying, you can at least check that off the list.

This is what I did when I first had panic attacks - I had so many freaking tests done I felt like a lab rat - but I wanted answers! However, all doctors told me that I was in perfect health, that I was just under stress.

As soon as my mind goes elsewhere and I stop, the headache goes away, which lets off a red light saying it's anxiety, but of course I can't think that!!

Why can't you think that? If it works for the headache why won't it work for any other symptom? Trust me, it does! :)
This is the key to this stuff, you have to recognize it's not what you think it is, it's not life threatening, and that you are in control of how you react to your symptoms, regardless of what they are.

Another thing is twitches, I almost thought of tourettes, but I doubt it as I am not a child anymore. The twitches will be like my head kinda jerks or as I'm typing my hand will suddenly jerk to the right or left. It's jerks, not exactly twitches. They happen usually when I'm behind my computer.

I've also experienced all sorts of twitches - veins in my neck, my fingers, and even my eyelid. This used to scare me as well, and of course I went to see many doctors which turned up nothing. However, one doctor told me that he himself had experienced the eye twitches during med. school, as had many of his colleagues. He said it's normal for the body to react in such a way when under such tremendous stress and exhaustion (which is exactly the state of mind I've been in each time these symptoms have shown up in my life).

So in a nutshell, these symptoms are 99.9% nothing to worry about and can all be tied to your anxiety and hypochondria.

FWIW - now that I'm past my troubles with anxiety, such symptoms have all but disappeared from my life. When they reappear, it's my body's way of telling me to slow down and get back on track with my priorities in life.

You can beat this thing, believe me :)

03-11-2008, 11:58 PM
hey i feel for u man lol
first thing i did was get blood tests, brain scans, heart ultrasounds or howeva u spell it just about every organ in my body tested and all came back perfect,
i no that the resullts are good but i still think im going to have a heart attack :o dont no y but i just cant stop thinking that i am. i got a few people to add me on msn,talking to people that have it helps alot i recomend doing this (everyone)

03-13-2008, 01:56 AM
hey i feel for u man lol
first thing i did was get blood tests, brain scans, heart ultrasounds or howeva u spell it just about every organ in my body tested and all came back perfect,
i no that the resullts are good but i still think im going to have a heart attack :o dont no y but i just cant stop thinking that i am. i got a few people to add me on msn,talking to people that have it helps alot i recomend doing this (everyone)

Hi all,
I am in the same boat as Corbin, i have been paranoid about having a heart attack now for close to ten years, i have had all the tests done but still cant shake this felling.
I f you need some one to talk to just send me a message.

Barry the Badger
03-13-2008, 02:17 PM
Other than every heart condition under the sun, i convince myself on the tourettes thing too! I often make obscure head motions, I've even been punching myself in the heart as if i'm trying to get something re-started. Bloody strange...

03-14-2008, 01:08 AM
Hi Barry,
Sorry you are going through a hard time. I hope things get better so you dont have to worry so much.

03-14-2008, 03:12 AM

I also have a fear of a stroke. Its terrible cause everytime I get a panic attack the first thing I think is that I am having a stroke. Its a paralysing fear. So, what can we do to recover from this to stop feeling crap and to live our lives without fear. It gets me really down. I cant sleep at night. I am constantly observing my body and symptoms and the smallest thing makes me think that I am dying from something. I will get to the bottom of this and let you know. I am done living a half life. I am done living in fear. I want to feel and be normal.

03-14-2008, 06:32 AM

I also have a fear of a stroke. Its terrible cause everytime I get a panic attack the first thing I think is that I am having a stroke. Its a paralysing fear. So, what can we do to recover from this to stop feeling crap and to live our lives without fear. It gets me really down. I cant sleep at night. I am constantly observing my body and symptoms and the smallest thing makes me think that I am dying from something. I will get to the bottom of this and let you know. I am done living a half life. I am done living in fear. I want to feel and be normal.

Hi Sasky,
Are you taking any medication to help with your axiety?

03-14-2008, 12:39 PM
Thankyou all VERY much, this all really helped. It's been getting better and I no longer have 100% all the time dire fear.

Thanks again!