View Full Version : Auto calm

02-13-2014, 10:11 AM
Has anyone tried or is using this Auto Calm thing.. does it work?? opinions?? i would really like to know your thoughts. Thanks

02-13-2014, 10:25 AM
Nope, but it sounds awesome. I use brainsync.com. It is great stuff. Anything that can bring your brain back in alignment is a good thing. Wish you well.

Keep us posted. Peace

02-13-2014, 10:39 AM
Stuff like this has a place if you go into it with the right mindset. At times I've gone into it wanting to be cured, and it's been pretty frustrating, but at other times I've used it as part of the arsenal, and I've felt uses.

I've never used this particular product, but I've used similar.

When you have anxiety, you need to get your subconscious mind on your side, that is to say, you need to get it focusing on the calming aspect of life. The healthy stuff. Cos there's a good chance that right now it's focusing on stuff that's making your life kinda unhappy.

So..That's just gotta happen for 100% of people here! That subconscious change has to happen. No way around it.

Some are able to do it without help. That change just happens naturally for them as they do their therapies, and as their life goes on. For others, it doesn't happen as easily, and they made need some help.

Products like this can help. Most definitely. I'm a user.

There are many ways to tackle the subconscious stuff.
This product in particular looks to use certain brain waves that are believed to help move that change along a little easier, and pass on the message at a deeper level.

There are other ways of tackling subconscious problems too. There are subconscious commands that are used in tapes, there's meditation, there's visualization, there's affirmations, there's ignoring anxiety completely and totally and living life despite of the hardship giving it no attention in the slightest, there are bilingual beats etc.

There are many ways to go about it :)

Just reading autocalms sales page, it seems like they go subconscious command route, with correct brain waves, to make it theoretically more effective.

This stuff has a use. It's not an answer, but it has a use. I'd be very surprised if you used this, in conjunction with other anxiety therapies (the usual ones we bang on about here) and you didn't see results.

But there are other ways of addressing the subconscious problem, that are free. Some I've mentioned above ^

Depends which angle you wanna take. Sure it's free to do affirmations, but looking in the mirror repeating stuff over and over can get a bit weird. It's quite easy to put an mp3 on and let it happen.

I guess that's why you pay the money, for the convenience!

There are also other companies with similar products. Brain sync are an interesting one. GeneAllen of this forum is a big fan. I'm not sure what the price difference between the two is.

If you do buy it, make a review!

02-13-2014, 11:16 AM
half price right now. immediate mp3 download 4.99 I think. I can email the link if anyone wants it. Peace No I do not make money at this. But I sure the hell should. LOL Peace