View Full Version : I had a scare...

02-13-2014, 09:33 AM
So today I was pottering around the house and doing the chores when I got a phone call from my sister and she was crying hysterically. I couldn't understand what she was saying because she was crying so much and all I heard were the words, 'D died, dead, dead.'
The first thought that came to my head was my Dad. He's not in the best of health but he's only 58! And so I started shouting down the phone, "Is it Dad!? What's happened to Dad?!"
She took a breath and said, "No, my dog's just died.'
Well, it was already too late - my legs were shaking and almost gave way, my head was light, heart racing, I was shaking like a leaf.
I really seriously thought my Dad had died and right there and then I felt my whole world tip on its axis. I am extremely close to my mum and dad and can't begin to imagine the day when I have to say goodbye to either one of them. When I thought today was the day I quite literally nearly collapsed with fear..
Now, a couple of questions -
Is it a normal reaction to have such intense feelings when hearing something so bad (even though it turned out to be a dog, thank God)
And if I reacted like that today, how in the world will I cope when the real thing happens?
I'm scared I won't cope and it will kill me.
Also, doesn't anxiety make us very selfish? Always thinking of how we feel and what we can cope with! There are other people on this planet, it's not always about us!

02-13-2014, 09:58 AM
Hi Manz,

Firstly, sorry you had to experience this scare! Just reading it sounded liked a terrifying experience.

My Dad is 58 as well, and I'm terrified of that day.. there have been a few scares that were false alarms, but it was already too late for my body. The shaking, intense fear, the deep pain in the heart and feeling like you are going to collapse. I think we are predestined to assume the worst and our brain has already connected the dots and our body starts unraveling. It's so ingrained in us to react that way; like we are reacting off a stimulus. What do you do when you touch something hot? You pull away faster than your brain can think. Changing that is very difficult.

I too have wondered, how am I going to deal with it when the real thing does happen? There is certainly going to be that day and I fail every time there's a false alarm. I just can't imagine how I will deal when it is no longer a drill. I focus so much on the now, I usually put away the future to think about another day.

I don't know about anxiety making us selfish, rather just super sensitive to everything. Other people will see feathers softly floating down whereas to us, bricks are falling. And falling bricks are no fun :(

The very very good news though; your Dad is okay. :)

02-13-2014, 10:36 AM
Glad your father is okay. Sorry about the dog, and your hysterical sister. Those kind of moments can scare the hell out of anyone. Where did all this drama come

from? I mean is this a trait in the family? Regardless, even if it is, you may be picking up on others feelings, but then again you may be a little high strung too.

I know I am. This sounds like me when I'm dealing with high anxiety or panic already. Peace

02-13-2014, 12:24 PM
Glad your father is okay. Sorry about the dog, and your hysterical sister. Those kind of moments can scare the hell out of anyone. Where did all this drama come from? I mean is this a trait in the family? Regardless, even if it is, you may be picking up on others feelings, but then again you may be a little high strung too. I know I am. This sounds like me when I'm dealing with high anxiety or panic already. Peace

I think you hit the nail on the head when u ask if my family is highly strung because, with the exception of my dad, we all are - but I'm the only one who suffers bad with anxiety and nerves. The rest of them (all girls, including my mum) tend to over react and cry a lot, whereas I tend to bottle all my feelings up and rarely cry at anything. I sometimes wish I were more like my sisters - thy seem to have no problem expressing their feelings and will cry at the drop of a hat, but I feel stupid if anyone (even my husband) witness me cry.

02-13-2014, 12:25 PM
Sorry about typos - stupid phone!