View Full Version : Health anxiety.!!

02-13-2014, 01:21 AM
I'm a 27yr male. I've have been dealing with health anxitey for years. Since I was in high school I would have panic attacks and think I'm dying. Most of the time I would get over the anxiety and panic times by playing sports or hanging out with friends to keep my mind off of things. They would last anywhere from a couple months to a few days. If I felt a weird sensation or noticed something different about my body my anxiety would be extremely high. These moments have come and gone for the last 15 years or so. Now they are back and I have been to the doctors multiple time a thinking I was dying of some disease or heart problem. What would be the best medicine to take, I just started lexapro 10mg 2 days ago. I have had kolapin before and they seem to help the most. I told my doctor that but he said he does not prescribe them because they are addictive. What's the best thing to do? Anyone else like this?

02-13-2014, 01:25 AM
Yes totally understand how your feeling. Its so tough. PM me anytime to chat. Your going to be ok x

02-13-2014, 01:42 AM
Thanks, it's so hard to get through the day with this stuff. I have always been able to get myself out of a bad rut of health anxiety with time and telling myself it's all in my head but this time I can't. It just keeps getting worse. It's affecting my job now and everything.

02-13-2014, 01:47 AM
Be glad you can work. I do be that tired somedays and anxious i havnt even thought about going back yet :( but take one day at a time.

02-13-2014, 02:08 AM
I totally understand the health anxiety. It is hard to accept what the doctor says when we are so full of symptoms because of our overactive nerves. Its awful. But you sir. Will be fine:) just make the good times more important than yiur panic times. Try to give it less power, it helps...good luck:)