View Full Version : 7am anxiety attack :(

02-13-2014, 01:17 AM
I couldnt sleep as my friend called me drunk at 5 am.. could feel my face burning (used a new face mask last night didnt agree with me) then i felt the fear happening my chest felt tight. I was sweating. My heart was going crazy. I thought i was gonna puke. I thought i was getting diaherra. My throat was dry. Tonsils were swelled (ongoing sufferer of tonsilitis) and what did i do? Use google.. What a stupid thing to do. I began by typing in allergic reaction. What was i drawn to but seek urgent medical attention if throat face or lips swell, difficulty breathing tightness in chest. All related to anxiety. What i thought of next was could i actually need medical assistance? How long would it take an ambulance to get here? Could anyone help? My mind just went crazy. So i took an antihistamine for my face 2 nurofen and strepsil for my throat and tonsils. I lay down in bed and calmed myself down by telling myself i am ok. Its just an anxiety attack. Then i calmed down and had my comedown in which i get chills. It was just horrible. Oh and i forgot to mention i didnt take my meds yesterday maybe thats why i had it. Am on 75mg efflexor. Message me anytime to talk. I suffer with GAD.

02-13-2014, 07:30 AM
Sorry to hear you had a rough night aoife92! I hope you were able to get some rest. I know too well that desperation that one feels in the middle of the night when anxiety/panic sets in. I try and stay off looking up symptoms on google because I have everything that pops up!!! I recommend you not search anymore. There's a thread on here somewhere about this. Those of us with GAD and/or health related anxiety are so sensitive to our bodies that we feel everything and thus we have everything!

02-13-2014, 10:03 AM
I wake up having panic attacks i find worse in the night than if i have during the day and if i have had little sleep there also bad. I hate it! Hope your ok now x

02-13-2014, 10:16 AM
Glad you made it through and are feeling better!!
