View Full Version : panicking

02-12-2014, 08:54 PM
So I'm 17 years old and at the moment my head is literally spinning and i feel so much pressure in my head that I think may pass out. I feel like im having a aneurysm even though im probably not right? Either way I went into my grandfathers room and woke him up panicking saying that I think im having an aneurysm and that I'm in pain. My back is also killing me. My grandfather yelled at me and said im crazy and im driving him crazy. Which makes me think maybe i imsane or crazy. I decided to lay down and try not thinking about it and its semi helping bit that pressure in my head and ears is still there. Im just scared and I know its probably stress or a migraine but i cant help but worry bout other things. Writing this I'm trying not to think about it but I cant help it. I dont know what to do.

02-12-2014, 09:00 PM
Rosalina - you can start by kickin your grandad in the shin for not showing a bit of sympathy

You say you are panicking so what you feel IS panic

Not a brain aneurysm I am sorry to say

have you been to a doctor before to check out all of you concerns?

02-12-2014, 09:21 PM
Rosalina. First...I'm really sorry you are experiencing this. I can tell you that it is most certainly anxiety. I will tell you or course to go to the doctor, But I'm sure that will really just ease your mind. If this is one of the first times you've had this experience..once you go to the doctors and they clear you, believe them!!! That is the biggest piece of advice I can give you, some of us have been here on this forum for a while, and also have been suffering for many years! I don't want that for you. Please keep us updated...and know.when you wake up tomorrow it wasn't what you thought. And all is okay.

02-13-2014, 12:30 AM
So sorry to hear that you're feeling so uncomfortable :( I can tell you I know exactly what you mean and how you feel, I have said and thought the same exact things and I can PROMISE you it is just anxiety. I know it may seem impossible but try making lists of things in your head or put on the tv, the second you distract yourself you WILL start feeling better. xo

02-13-2014, 01:20 AM
Hope you are ok.. Take deep breaths and calm down and also would recommend going to your doctor. Its tough admitting it. PM me anytime for a chat. Your not alone. X