View Full Version : Do you think the internet causes more anxiety than you'd be feeling otherwise?

02-12-2014, 05:08 PM
With all the liars, and trolls here, it just kind of takes a toll on your mental health to some degree. When I use the social aspect of the online communities, I come to learn things, get advice, maybe even find some like minded people who could possibly become friends. but when you are constantly being followed and harassed by stalking trolls online, it makes it kind of hard to see past all the belittling, personal insults, and focus on finding healthier people to talk to.

How can a person go about finding good people to communicate with online and avoid liars, trolls etc...?

Should one just skip trying to get to know strangers and stick to more local near home kind of sites as a way to meet some friends? Thoughts?

02-12-2014, 05:20 PM
My love, u ar young :)

I am 47 this yr. when you get to this age non that stuff bother you anymore ha ha.

We not 15 anymore. Mayb you can't meet friends can you not acting ya age?

You heard of law of attraction ya? Maybe ya gotta look at u and see what you putting out in the world, cos it seems that's what ya getting bk x

02-12-2014, 05:28 PM
With all the liars, and trolls here, it just kind of takes a toll on your mental health to some degree. When I use the social aspect of the online communities, I come to learn things, get advice, maybe even find some like minded people who could possibly become friends. but when you are constantly being followed and harassed by stalking trolls online, it makes it kind of hard to see past all the belittling, personal insults, and focus on finding healthier people to talk to. How can a person go about finding good people to communicate with online and avoid liars, trolls etc...? Should one just skip trying to get to know strangers and stick to more local near home kind of sites as a way to meet some friends? Thoughts?

I think one has to be careful at casting aspersions on this particular forum. From what I have seen the moderators do a good job keeping things in check.

However one of the important rules of the forum is that no one creates an environment where others feel uncomfortable.

You may be sensitive to anyone challenging you on a comment or subject (forums are emotive places and we can all have our views and opinions put under scrutiny at times).

But, by posting such as you have done here, making statements about genuine people using the site to express and glean opinion unfortunately flies in the face of a comfortable environment.

If you feel so strongly that people using the forum are simply "liars" and "trolls" perhaps you would be better suited to Facebook where you have more control over who views your content.

02-12-2014, 05:33 PM
"However one of the important rules of the forum is that no one creates an environment where others feel uncomfortable"

exactly, couldn't agree more, and have a look at the forum up there titled "moderators" and you'll see what I've been dealing with. I never said the mods weren't doing a good enough job, but I wish someone would pick up on the fact that this one *ahem* troll has a pattern of attacking me.. Heck if forwells had not come on the Mod thread, who knows how the troll would have kept going..he's continuing trying to fan the flames of the argument, I have since left the thread, but again, he's trying different methods to upset me and instigate the fight further.

02-12-2014, 05:36 PM

She calling somebody else the troll, everyone seems to be saying she's making fights everywhere?

This is nt how the forum was whn I left it in December!!!!

02-12-2014, 05:51 PM

She calling somebody else the troll, everyone seems to be saying she's making fights everywhere?

This is nt how the forum was whn I left it in December!!!!

and funny how this name pops out of nowhere and is so interested in me and what is going on, throws little poisonous troll dart comments at me. So obviously fake.. *another eye roll*

02-12-2014, 05:58 PM
Edit for peace.

02-12-2014, 05:59 PM
With all the liars, and trolls here, it just kind of takes a toll on your mental health to some degree. When I use the social aspect of the online communities, I come to learn things, get advice, maybe even find some like minded people who could possibly become friends. but when you are constantly being followed and harassed by stalking trolls online, it makes it kind of hard to see past all the belittling, personal insults, and focus on finding healthier people to talk to.

How can a person go about finding good people to communicate with online and avoid liars, trolls etc...?

Should one just skip trying to get to know strangers and stick to more local near home kind of sites as a way to meet some friends? Thoughts?

Hey Apple,

I've been here for one hell of a long time and seen, read, assisted 100's of people in there struggles with anxiety and whatever else may be exposed and have never ran across anyone in particular that was a lying troll stalker type, as you specify.
I have seen many spammers, and they're clearly obvious too and the Mod deals with them..oh, and that kid that was stalking Kyle was her twice too...
I just like to try to get along with everybody, but sometimes it just isn't possible even if I try.
I'm sorry that you appear to be so paranoid and I can't say that I have ever had the pleasure of communicating with you either..
How are you by the way???
What's the issues that you struggle with, besides this?????


02-12-2014, 06:01 PM
You mus have Asian ancestory. Ur mind goes so fast ;) I tried keeping away, but you're just going nuts!!

Jesse D 03...........welcome home :D :D :D

02-12-2014, 06:03 PM
You mus have Asian ancestory. Ur mind goes so fast ;)

I tried keeping away, but you're just going nuts!!

Dude, I respect your privacy, and still you go crazy... U know what, why don't you leave?

Cos the final straw has broken the camels back..

Oh your back? What a shock, but did you actually ever leave in the first place?

Well, all your sock puppets will be so delighted at your return.

02-12-2014, 06:03 PM
You mus have Asian ancestory. Ur mind goes so fast ;)

I tried keeping away, but you're just going nuts!!

Dude, I respect your privacy, and still you go crazy... U know what, why don't you leave?

Cos the final straw has broken the camels back..

DUDE!!! Missed you man....:)
I'm getting all teary eyed now...shit.. grrrrr


02-12-2014, 06:04 PM
Jesse D 03...........welcome home :D :D :D

My illegitimate brotha from Margaret Thatcher has come home to roost

02-12-2014, 06:06 PM
When someone clearly doesn't want to talk to you, you can't accept that, so you insult them into an argument with you to get the attention you crave, and I'm sorry to have taken the bait yet again.

02-12-2014, 06:08 PM
Edit for peace.

02-12-2014, 06:10 PM
Oh your back? What a shock, but did you actually ever leave in the first place?

Well, all your sock puppets will be so delighted at your return.

Rarely do I cross over into the World of the Unknown..
but, the "sock puppet" comment has awakened a part of me that of which I always wished to conceal and control.
My heart rate has skyrocketed, my blood flow has now been restricted that which runs to my limbs and is now centralized to keep my internal organs safe...
Intermittent Explosive Disorder is a very troubling condition to deal with..things tend to happen beyond my control, grossly disproportionate to the event...
I'm just going to work my way through this, just as you will kindly work your way out of here..
I now know who the real "troll" is...tis you.
Thank you for infecting me with this torment..again.


02-12-2014, 06:23 PM
:) no, I didn't leave, I still came to read all the threads.

You know what, you could create your own sock puppets, and you'd still fall out with them... Cos you have major problems, but they aren't problems very many people here care about anymore.

"If I'm the troll, where are the others speaking out against me... Or Frankie... Or Terre nova... Or Nixon... Or Dan... Or James?"

because you aren't harassing anyone but me, THAT's WHY.

"There aren't any others here, are they? Nobody has come out. Go search it to check. Not one of the 100,000+ members has ever made such a claim... Which must tell you something..."

because those users haven't known (or been harassed by) you from yahoo answers, and had their email accounts hacked into from yahoo.com and been followed here by you as I have been.

"Not one person, is jumping to your defence, yet there are a lot getting pretty annoyed at your right now."

Sock puppets created by you jumping to your defense, doesn't really count you know.

"Are they all me? Am I 100,000 people?"

Certainly not every forum member, just your little cluster of sock puppets who suspiciously all hate me, when I in reality haven't had any confrontation with anyone here but YOU.

"It's gonna go down 3 ways:

1. You behave, you shut the FUCK up and stop intimidating people, and never mention this ever or the word TROLL to a member ever again... And everything's cool. You'll be welcome here with open arms.

2. You just leave

3. You face everybody reporting you, cos believe me, everyone's talking about it, and you wait and see what that brings.

Those are your 3 options. You pick one, or it'll be 3 by default.

Cos this ends. This is a forum designed to HELP people. It's not your goddam playground. 5 people have talked to me about leaving recently, 5 important members here.


Threatening me is not going to make you look like any less of a creep, sorry. I thoroughly agree, this forum is to discuss anxiety to help others and BE helped, not to start troll fights and harass me..so leave me alone, and there's no problems. I already made myself clear, you are starting these fights to get the unhealthy attention from me you seem to crave, and it was my fault taking the bait yet again. I have no plans to do so in the future.

02-12-2014, 06:28 PM
"no, I didn't leave, I still came to read all the threads."

You know what, you could create your own sock puppets, and you'd still fall out with them... Cos you have major problems, but they aren't problems very many people here care about anymore.

If I'm the troll, where are the others speaking out against me... Or Frankie... Or Terre nova... Or Nixon... Or Dan... Or James?"

-because you aren't harassing anyone but me, THAT's WHY.

"There aren't any others here, are they? Nobody has come out. Go search it to check. Not one of the 100,000+ members has ever made such a claim... Which must tell you something..."

- because those users haven't known (or been harassed by) you from yahoo answers, and had their email accounts hacked into from yahoo.com and been followed here by you as I have been.

"Not one person, is jumping to your defence, yet there are a lot getting pretty annoyed at your right now."

-Sock puppets created by you jumping to your defense, doesn't really count you know.

"Are they all me? Am I 100,000 people?"

-Certainly not every forum member, just your little cluster of sock puppets who suspiciously all hate me, when I in reality haven't had any confrontation with anyone here but YOU.

*reposting this response since it got messed up before.

02-12-2014, 06:32 PM

Threatening me is not going to make you look like any less of a creep, sorry. I thoroughly agree, this forum is to discuss anxiety to help others and BE helped, not to start troll fights and harass me..so leave me alone, and there's no problems. I already made myself clear, you are starting these fights to get the unhealthy attention from me you seem to crave, and it was my fault taking the bait yet again. I have no plans to do so in the future.

Sorry my friend, but that ain't gonna cut it.

I'm not threatening you. I don't dislike you. You're annoying me now, but I have nothing against you.

I'm getting messages on Facebook where people really want you off this forum. So a little get out like that that doesn't admit wrong doing, it's not satisfying.

You've annoyed so many people now, you've gotta admit what you've done wasn't called for. And won't happen again. Not that you won't take bait, because that's not changed anything. You need to assure people, that this trolling business was WRONG. And won't happen again.

You've upset 2 very good friends of mine. People are itching to report you in droves right now.

You gotta give people a conclusive answer. You've got to help them understand and forgive you, or you've got to be honourable and leave. There is no middle now.

My younger brother uses this forum, Jesse is my ACTUAL name. My family email is on this site. I won't have you for no reason, accuse and intimidate people as you are doing. Nobody will. You've made some people very annoyed.

You've caused a very compassionate therapist to have to run and hide behind anonymity, so that they aren't found out. This cannot go on.

It only takes one Apple to upset the cart, and you've become it sadly.

02-12-2014, 06:36 PM
" Threatening me is not going to make you look like any less of a creep, sorry. I thoroughly agree, this forum is to discuss anxiety to help others and BE helped, not to start troll fights and harass me..so leave me alone, and there's no problems. I already made myself clear, you are starting these fights to get the unhealthy attention from me you seem to crave, and it was my fault taking the bait yet again. I have no plans to do so in the future.

The thing is Applecherry, you have blatantly accused a relatively new member of being a troll after her first post since December . Her post was about blood pressure?

Thankfully Boinkers is sassy enough to deal with it.

But where do genuine users and your paranoia find stable ground?

My personal opinion (whether you like it or not) is you are a liability on this forum and would be better suited to a less public platform.

02-12-2014, 06:36 PM
Ah man *rubs eyes* I'm tired.

This is what I get for letting my angry emotions get to me, and I fed the troll what he wanted.. All I can do is finish myself with this thread now. *walks away*

02-12-2014, 06:43 PM
Ah man *rubs eyes* I'm tired.

This is what I get for letting my angry emotions get to me, and I fed the troll what he wanted.. All I can do is finish myself with this thread now. *walks away*

If that's all you've got, then you've really gotta see what happens when you've been reported by everyone that wants to report you. It may be few, it may be a lot. I don't know.

I didn't want it to be this way my friend. I've apologized to you, I've stopped posting for a bit, I've offered you a pic of me holding a sign, I've offered to have my IP checked by mods.. I've offered a voice clip. My address and Facebook are on here. You wanna see me? Go on the Facebook thread. I don't mind, you can look.

There is nothing more I can do for you is there? To relax you I mean, and to stop this.

I genuinely hope you find some peace somewhere, but as has been said. Too many people are unhappy now. And you haven't attempted to put that right.

What ever will happen will happen. I don't know how the whole thing works. Maybe you need a little bitter medicine like a banning to help you snap into a different kind of mindset, or to have a realization. I don't know friend. Maybe you'll be fine and carry on posting.

I'd like to say it was a pleasure knowing you, but, not really at the moment lol ;)

02-12-2014, 07:49 PM
What "I've got" is arguing with liars is a waste of time. I don't know if you think this is cute, or funny, or what starting these fights with me, but to me, it's harassment, I don't like it. You insult someone's character bad enough, that they can't help but HAVE to engage with you to defend themselves, otherwise, I would rather not acknowledge your existance. You have some nerve calling me a "friend", friends don't harass, or threaten each other, and set out to make someone miserable and bullying them by telling them lies about how everyone in the forum hates them and to leave. I already said, I have no desire to have you prove to me whether you're a liar or not, it does not excuse your abusive behavior, your threats and sending me nasty messages, that alone says enough about your character, enough for me to know I want to stay far, far away.

Again, I repeat, you are disgusting.

02-12-2014, 07:57 PM
Edited for peace.

02-12-2014, 07:59 PM
I have a dream

I have a dream that one day man wont be judged by the severity of their anxiety

But by the meds they use to oppress it

I have a dream

I like night Anxiety Forum to be fun

Fun makes me happy

happy makes me drink

Cant we all just get along?

02-12-2014, 08:00 PM
I have a dream

I have a dream that one day man wont be judged by the severity of their anxiety

But by the meds they use to oppress it

I have a dream

I like night Anxiety Forum to be fun

Fun makes me happy

happy makes me drink

Cant we all just get along?

Lol, yes!! Those of us who are here for the right reasons know who we are. Just sad that we have to defend ourselves. When really we are looking out for this suffering from their anxiety at their worst

02-12-2014, 08:07 PM
I wrote you a message. I'm gonna send it to you. You can delete it straight up, if you want. Or you can read it. Completely up to you.

I have no such message, and really, I do not want to "make nice" with you, I simply want us to not talk anymore. You are never going to be a truthful person, and I have no time for your lies.

02-12-2014, 08:10 PM
Sick, it is sick to post the same s*** for days

02-12-2014, 08:12 PM
c'mon Apple

he is practically beating you over the head with the olive branch he is extending

Just be a little open minded so everyone just gets past things and moves on

02-12-2014, 08:13 PM
Sick, it is sick to post the same s*** for days

Hiya dahila!

Top of the evening to ya!

02-12-2014, 08:15 PM
I didn't realize a victim of frequent verbal abuse had to be "open minded" to their abuser, but maybe that's just me.

02-12-2014, 08:15 PM
Same , same same (sick)

02-12-2014, 08:32 PM
Ok, I won't send it

02-12-2014, 08:45 PM
Do not send it, send it to me Jessed I would love to get a message from a friend:)))
Where is lovely Eman?

BTW Nixon do you know that olive branches have awful thorns:) ?

02-13-2014, 04:32 AM
Honestly Applecherry.... you keep blaming Jesse for starting fights, well who made this thread in the first place? YOU! You wanted to get a reaction otherwise you wouldn't have made this post... I guess you will call me a troll now too because im pro Jesse... As Boinkers has said, when she was here in December, the thread wasn't like this at all.. and now thanks to the likes of people like you, everyone gets labelled as a troll for expressing their opinion. I have never spoken to you before and frankly I don't care... If you're here top get some support and help then stop posting stupid threads about trolls and actually post about something that matters... I may seem harsh but I'm fed up with you and your trolling accusasions... like E-man said, the troll is you.

02-13-2014, 04:41 AM
"actually post about something that matters" If you actually read my question, you'd see I was asking about places to go online to find real support and friendship, and to avoid trolls, to which I received no actual answers addressing my ACTUAL question, in your head you perceive everything I say to be about you and your other sock puppets. To me, the question matters.

and bumping up my thread to continue the argument from hours ago and attack me isn't trolling or anything... I swear!

Ugghh *seeing red*...just gotta shake it off! That's all you can do.. *exhale*

02-13-2014, 04:45 AM
Well, I wasn't on when the argument was ocurring and I had something to say, so I said it... you really need to get over yourself and stop thinking that everyone is here to troll you... this forum doesn't revolve around you... Yeah well I think no one really cares where you go on the internet as long as it's not here... If you're not going to post about anxiety issues or any other related issues then don't post at all.. Stop acting the victim.. no one is going to say 'oh, poor Applecherry, why is everyone being so mean to you... boo hoo' And if you think everyone is trolling you, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?

02-13-2014, 04:50 AM
Everything I post IS actually about anxiety, and I don't try to turn this place into a chat forum, unlike you, making threats and trying to bully me off this forum is not going to be tolerated by me, got that? Good.

02-13-2014, 04:54 AM
"However one of the important rules of the forum is that no one creates an environment where others feel uncomfortable"

but I wish someone would pick up on the fact that this one *ahem* troll has a pattern of attacking me..

Where exactly did I threaten you?? show me? You make up all these little stories in your head, I swear! Okay... so this post was really about anxiety was it? So it wasn't to pick a fight with Jesse...Honestly, you can carry on living in thisworld that you live in... no one here is bullying you.. thats just how you perceive it.. people have tried to be nice but you just throw it back and call them a troll.. I really think you should look back on some of your posts... I think the actually bully here is you.. Bullying Jesse and Frankie and others by calling them trolls... its sad really.. I pity you.

02-13-2014, 04:59 AM
Morning Ashlee. Be careful you are in imminent danger of being labelled a troll or a sock puppet or one of jesses 1000s of alter egos! Got it!

Hahahahaa hmm which jessed account should I use next?? Oh.. how odd... we are both one of jesses accounts... how are we on at the same time??

02-13-2014, 05:06 AM
Hahahahaha!! what is a vpn?? being such an expert, can you give an explanation??

02-13-2014, 05:21 AM
hahahahaha I was thinking Visable Panty...(something beginning with N to replace line) hahahaha

02-13-2014, 05:30 AM
hahahaha I like it!!!! lets go for that!!

02-13-2014, 05:34 AM
whale tail over here...LMAO!!! nasty.....BAHAAAAHA!!! :)

02-13-2014, 07:00 AM
You all are small trolls hehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe, I think reporting the small minded C*** will not work, ignoring does.......The first time I posted in the **** thread he did, oops she did not agree with me... and it was like one short sentence without any bad intention. I am probably the oldest person on this forum. Got a lot of expiernce with trolls. Trolls like applecherry grow without planting them. They are everywhere, on every forum. Somehow they lose the power and usually are banned..... Ignoring works like a charm:)))

There you go!!!!

02-13-2014, 08:33 AM
Edit for peace.

02-13-2014, 08:38 AM
Ah, I see your back, Jesse.. I'd be more enthused about this fact except that I'm afraid if I show too much excitement, I will come off as a sockpuppet.. btw, that's a lot of computer screens. You can watch 24 different things. Quite the multitasker, eh? ;)

Does anyone else feel like arguing with a wall is more productive? It's ironic the very creation of this thread brought all your fears true, Apple.. almost like you unlock your doors and wait, anticipate for the bad guys to barge in, but you're already ready for the fight.

I'm sorry for you guys getting called trolls when you are not. It's not fair and it's sad that this place has to be a harbor of any such negative things.



02-13-2014, 11:26 AM
Play us out Phil


02-13-2014, 11:48 AM
Oo, you counted it. Very thorough!! :)

Thanks though. I'm gonna post for a day or two, then go back into retirement. That golf course is just too tempting. Lol

Eman tells me the stories of how he goes nuts on Facebook, and i just sit in the deck chair, drink piņa colada. No if only! But it's relaxing not posting, it surprised me!

This thread just annoyed me, I couldn't help post.

I came back into it to see if Apple was still with us. Dahlia went report crazy I think :P. I'm wondering if this is a prank by the mods, that they'll reveal on April 1st. It just seems to strange to be real.

Have you noticed it only started since I sent you that vid of Rich, using loads of different names? Seems that's the spirit of this nonsense too! It would be a great revenge mission if it is!!!!

Anyway, play us out Phil


I'll PM you now NTF

depends how u use it.i used it for worse and worsen myself.

02-13-2014, 12:13 PM
Have you noticed it only started since I sent you that vid of Rich, using loads of different names? Seems that's the spirit of this nonsense too! It would be a great revenge mission if it is!!!!

Odd coincidence, isn't it? That settles it; it's just too strange--The joke is on us ! ..Or on your 20 something accounts :P

Enjoy that golf life ;)

02-13-2014, 12:17 PM
:eek:I have not done anything this time. Must be my age and grey hair temporary shut the creature up..... Lets kill it with love :))

02-13-2014, 12:41 PM
Edit for peace.

02-13-2014, 01:09 PM
^ You know what they say about messengers.. And if it is Rich, I think it's a little comical (and a bit creepy too.) ..Hah, I guess that's what you get messing with a mischievous person. There's no way I'm sharing that video!
Oh your right.. the Artaud thing was over quickly. Apple's still here.. hmmmm :confused:

The disappearance of TS ! Solved??? Hurry up and tell me what you've found out!

02-14-2014, 03:49 AM
and a 19year old Essex girl, that shouts oiiiiiii at her cats.

Hahahahahahhahaa JD you are sooo funny!!! OIIIIIIIIIII