View Full Version : OCD and deper... derelia... I'm spaced out... Feeling so crazy plz HELP

02-12-2014, 04:15 PM
K all so where do I start? Bn in tears a lot lately, my OCD been so hard. Doctors in the Phillipines don't understan this thing. BM struggling with heart rte over Xmas period, but now it's moved to summit new.

My problem ltly has been with fruit. I had a tummy upset after eating some fruit, now I'm so terrified any fruit gonna make me sick. I cannot touch it or buy ny for my daughter Clarissa. She is 8 and needs fruit.

Apple Cherry....grape..Banana.. Mango Peach Strawberry

This sweet fruit seem so bitter now. I'm worry eatin it will poison me an my familie. I dont wanna go near it or see it. I skip fruit iyel in d supermrket. This fruit above is ruinin my life.

I just wish all fruit will leave. Dat I can live with just meat and vegetable. But my kids need fruits. Dr say give them fruits.

Please help what can I do? What medicine I can take??

Thx so so much, this drivin me crazy. Am I crazy?????

Fls so good to share

02-12-2014, 04:31 PM
Where to start with you...fears of certain foods.
Certain fruits can be highly acidic like some that you've mentioned there.
Acidic means, they can leave a bad taste in your mouth, cause tooth erosion, increase stomach acid, and also make people sick too..as in your case.
I'm def not a fruit expert but I would say to avoid the apple, cherry, and possibly the grapes and stick with anything NON CITRUS too.... IMHO...
If this is becoming a huge ordeal (as it would appear) then I would check in with a Doc and tell them your issues and fears about these fruits..
It seems to be a definitive problem for you but I'm kinda new to something of this nature, first time for everything I say!!!...
I don't think you're crazy,,(yet) but it would be good to get on some sort of medicinal treatment, a councelor, therapists, Psych, whatever because it's only going to
get worse friend..especially if you can't even touch it without freaking out....next is the fear of meat.

Hope that helps you maybe get going in the right direction!!!


02-12-2014, 04:47 PM
How about slowly reintroducing fruit - maybe start with a fruit smoothie for breakfast (your kids will love that!) If all goes well with that, reintroduce a non-acidic fruit (like bananas).

The worst thing you can do is avoid the fruit. It's not the fruit you're afraid of, you're afraid you'll be sick if you eat them. But chances are, that was an isolated incident and you won't get sick from fruit. Be courageous and go for it!!

02-12-2014, 08:31 PM
I would not touch the fruit now, you should rather not get close to fruit for now....What about avocado?

02-12-2014, 08:52 PM
Boinkers- was it specific fruit or was it a variety such as the assortment you listed? If it affected heart rate and everything could it have been a mild allergic reaction? I'm not trying to make things worse just wondering if you can identify what fruit specifically started this whole issue so that you don't have to avoid it all. Fruit is too yummy to avoid completely.

Terre Nova
02-13-2014, 12:30 AM
Boinkers- was it specific fruit or was it a variety such as the assortment you listed? If it affected heart rate and everything could it have been a mild allergic reaction? I'm not trying to make things worse just wondering if you can identify what fruit specifically started this whole issue so that you don't have to avoid it all. Fruit is too yummy to avoid completely.

Take a supplement! Vitamins and let your kids gave fruit! Meat is unhealthy and veggies are great but no fruit for your kids??!'
Thats like not giving your children water!