View Full Version : Hey y'all.

02-12-2014, 04:14 PM
Who's having a good Day today? Anyone? And why are you having a good day? I've had good parts to my day. Ill take that. :)

Kyle Morgan
02-12-2014, 04:19 PM
Who's having a good Day today? Anyone? And why are you having a good day? I've had good parts to my day. Ill take that. :)

My day has been up and down like always, glad to see you're having a good day. :)

02-12-2014, 04:20 PM
I am AB!!
Now that a new medication has worn off..I was a Zombie for awhile.
So nice to see posts like this and glad that your day was good too!!!

Keep the spirit alive!


02-12-2014, 04:24 PM
I am AB!! Now that a new medication has worn off..I was a Zombie for awhile. So nice to see posts like this and glad that your day was good too!!! Keep the spirit alive! E-Man..:)

Has the EMan landed lol

02-12-2014, 04:25 PM
I've had a gr8 day :) as it goes I've had a gr8 week so far :)

02-12-2014, 04:38 PM
I have forgotten how to have a bad day

02-12-2014, 04:40 PM
[QUOTE="frankiecfc;158972"] Em :) nice to see you. My day was ok. I had CBT today and this time last week it left me a trembling wreck. This week I got a pass. There was a student in the room too so my therapist had the student explaining all the physiological aspects of anxiety and as it's been said twice before I couldn't help see the glaringly obvious. It was all done for the students benefit rather than my own. Lol. That is not me just having more common cognitive errors! So I was kind of irritated but relieved at the same time when the focus was not on me! It feels a bit like cheating though ;) I'm also grateful I'm not one of the families without power or flooded out my home like so many others across Ireland and the UK[/QUOTE

Hi ya Frankie :)
Oh I know how awful is all that with the
Flooding :(
How do you find the therapy so far?

02-12-2014, 04:40 PM
Em :) nice to see you. My day was ok. I had CBT today and this time last week it left me a trembling wreck. This week I got a pass. There was a student in the room too so my therapist had the student explaining all the physiological aspects of anxiety and as it's been said twice before I couldn't help see the glaringly obvious. It was all done for the students benefit rather than my own. Lol. That is not me just having more common cognitive errors! So I was kind of irritated but relieved at the same time when the focus was not on me! It feels a bit like cheating though ;) I'm also grateful I'm not one of the families without power or flooded out my home like so many others across Ireland and the UK

Power has just returned for me (only been off 4 hours, but been driving me crazy hanging out in the house with a torch). Thankfully no flooding!

Glad you are still on with the CBT Frankie, if you get a trainee in the room again you can object, it's more important they focus on you given the short time involved (there will be plenty of repeat offenders to go at) ;)

02-12-2014, 05:07 PM
) Hey 14...... I wonder when we will get a 15? ;) I think as I started in December I must have missed 1 through 12.......hehe. I'm sorry, it is that point in my evening where I become ridiculous )

I only have one word to say "potato" :D

02-12-2014, 05:15 PM
Touché ;).......

BTW, what discipline of Psychology are you going into (I vaguely remember you mentioning forensic)?

02-12-2014, 05:32 PM
I have zero idea really. My situation : it's psychology/criminology double. I have huge doubts if I will get to utilise it 14. I am only a third through it and I started 2008! I have such chronic neck pain I can't do more than 2 classes a year. Between my poor concentration resulting from my anxiety and my pain it will take years to complete. It also means I've forgotten more than I've learnt! Now I just focus on plugging away at it more for the pure interest while I'm doing it rather than my career path. I will be in my 50s before it's done. Unfortunately I started this many years late down the road! I like what I'm learning though and continue to do well at it so I'm satisfied and accept it now. :)

Anything is possible Frankie!

You may be in your 50's when you finish it, but you could equally use it for another 50 years when you qualify!

PLUS!! You NEVER know ...... This time next year you could be full steam ahead after those pesky meddling CBT students have been tinkering ;)


02-12-2014, 05:54 PM
it has been a good day. hope yours was too

02-12-2014, 05:57 PM
I'm so glad that a lot of you guys are doing better. It's one day at a time!! :) I forgot what daily anxiety was like, I was over it for a long time before this! The second my body showed some actual distress(low potassium) because of my unhealthy ways.. I freak out and think I'm dying. My heart goes too fast for no reason sometimes, yet everything I Google tells me I'm fine!! So aren't I fine! !lol today is a better day, I'm going back to work soon: ) after a month and a half

02-12-2014, 06:46 PM
Alaina - I think you got this now

You won, Well done

But you cant just roll out on us!

Amy Smith
02-12-2014, 06:47 PM
Who's having a good Day today? Anyone? And why are you having a good day? I've had good parts to my day. Ill take that. :)

My day is alright today, got flowers delivered from my fiance for Valentines Day, guess I can't complain about that lol.

02-12-2014, 06:50 PM
My day is alright today, got flowers delivered from my fiance for Valentines Day, guess I can't complain about that lol.

I wasnt sure about the type of flowers but glad you liked them! :p

02-12-2014, 06:53 PM
Damn Nixon, I was kinda hoping they would come my way!

Since you all are on different time zones, I have to send my valentines flowers to all my bitches at different times @PimpinOnTheForum LOL

02-12-2014, 07:07 PM
I'm so glad that a lot of you guys are doing better. It's one day at a time!! :) I forgot what daily anxiety was like, I was over it for a long time before this! The second my body showed some actual distress(low potassium) because of my unhealthy ways.. I freak out and think I'm dying. My heart goes too fast for no reason sometimes, yet everything I Google tells me I'm fine!! So aren't I fine! !lol today is a better day, I'm going back to work soon: ) after a month and a half Hey there!!! Great news for you! Baby steps because I know it can be hard to get back in the swing! I am glad you had a better day. My day today was better than yesterday which counts for something right! I was informed that my employer is honoring my wishes to be moved into a less stressful position.... THANK GOODNESS. It's not a demotion but a move after two years of an intensely stressful and frustrating job where I was on call 24-7-365... So THAT is my excitement. And my daughter giving me a gigantic hug upon coming home... Oh and managing to not have a panic attack while driving which is apparently an issue now : / Happy hearts!

Amy Smith
02-12-2014, 07:34 PM
I wasnt sure about the type of flowers but glad you liked them! :p

You did a great job! xo lol

02-12-2014, 08:07 PM
Hey there!!! Great news for you! Baby steps because I know it can be hard to get back in the swing! I am glad you had a better day. My day today was better than yesterday which counts for something right! I was informed that my employer is honoring my wishes to be moved into a less stressful position.... THANK GOODNESS. It's not a demotion but a move after two years of an intensely stressful and frustrating job where I was on call 24-7-365... So THAT is my excitement. And my daughter giving me a gigantic hug upon coming home... Oh and managing to not have a panic attack while driving which is apparently an issue now : / Happy hearts!

Yay!!! Me too I am moving positions also. I have just accepted it. Not to say I won't be scared shitless when it is happening. But when it's not, I'm getting better at not thinking about it!! Wish I could take meds though. Stupid low bp. Oh well, mind over matter right!!! :) yay for us