View Full Version : feeling hurt

02-12-2014, 02:05 PM
I have this pain i just wish it would go not a physical pain. I feel so down the past week or so ive been on a high and now im back to where i was befor i have no one to talk to my partner dont listen. :(

Kyle Morgan
02-12-2014, 02:12 PM
Hey, sorry about what you're going through. I'm going through something similar too, a bad patch and I feel like everyone is giving me crap when I don't need it. I find it hard to enjoy things I used to enjoy doing and I can't focus and function properly on anything because I end up getting stupid Panic attacks. This pain you're getting, where's it too? I sometimes get them in my head which makes me feel dizzy, which makes me think I'm going to pass out. Or I'll sometimes get it in my body which makes me shake and tremble. Sorry if you're feeling down, I can relate :) Hope everything gets better, if you need someone to talk too, You can talk to me or other members on here, we understand. Anxiety is a life of ups and downs, sometimes I feel like I'm the Happiest guy ever, the next day then I'm all angry and annoyed at the world. Hopefully we can try and cut out the negative things and focus on more positive things :) Sorry If I weren't much help.

02-12-2014, 09:16 PM
I know how you both feel.I have been having anxiety attacks everyday.I feel like I'm dying when I have them.I don't want to do anything but cry.

02-13-2014, 01:25 AM
I dont feel physically hurt its mentally just feeling hurt and depressed. Just wish it would go. Dont know how i actually get through life each day.

02-13-2014, 01:26 AM
I know how you both feel.I have been having anxiety attacks everyday.I feel like I'm dying when I have them.I don't want to do anything but cry.

Under my eyes sting today from crying so much it feels sunburnt.

02-13-2014, 12:09 PM
Under my eyes sting today from crying so much it feels sunburnt.. I understand .Hope you feel better soon.I know this is so hard

02-13-2014, 12:14 PM
. I understand .Hope you feel better soon.I know this is so hard

It is indeed! X