View Full Version : Can anyone please pigeon hole my Anxiety?

03-08-2008, 04:47 PM
Hi, Im 20 years old and live away from home in london as a student.

On holiday last year I was constantly worrying about something at home which would seriously ruin my life forever. It was all fine but the constant worrying of it triggered my first panic attacks...Since then I have suffered with Anxiety hitting all agrophobia, social anxiety, hypachondria and other nasty dark thoughts that increase day by day.

1. Although I come across as a volitile, confident and sometimes aggressive person, I fear violence and public humiliation.

2. My girlfriend who I have been with for 3 years, now makes me anxious, as when I am around her I am constantly watching other guys and feeling intimidated, as i feel as if i must protect her 24/7. Now i can no longer go out at night with her, and generally feel lightheaded, dizzy, sick and dispondant when I am around her....THIS IS DESTROYING OUR RELATIONSHIP.

My gf has gone travelling for 6 months, and when seeing her off at the airport I shed no tears, nothing...didnt feel upset or anything...I feel as if i have been stripped of all emotions. And I think generally, i act over confident in front of people to bluff my inner weakness...this is also not a good way to win friends..especially at university...

I worry about having a brain tumour, cancer, Hiv, meningitus...I wont have a blood test because I fear a black out, a repucussion of one i had when i was younger...Although I am 99% sure this is anxiety...these thoughts wont leave me alone....

Sorry for the essay guys...But I hope someone can shed some light?