View Full Version : bad liver health in nations with mandatory military?

Sureal Mmo
02-12-2014, 10:40 AM
bad liver health in nations with mandatory military?

i live in nation with mandatory military service.
my liver somatic index is very high like over 200?
my health is bad.
i think i am taking body health test for 2~3 years.
worker in body test center said "if you dont take medicine everyday, i will call the police"
what i want to know is that what happens in other countries.
i dont want to tell you my nation. i want to know the government in your country.
i dont trust government in my country.
i wanna know it is anti-human right or not. is it normal?
is everyone doing it? my liver has been bad for 10 years.
do they call police if you dont take medicine and your liver is bad?

02-12-2014, 10:54 AM
whoa...We don't have mandatory military service over here, this isn't Isreal.
If anyone of our citizens, had a health issue as serious as that, OUR military wouldn't allow or permit them to be in unless the issue was resolved and corrected.
We want all of our soldiers to be in tip top health, condition, strength, endurance, etc...
If they provided you with meds, through the military, and you refuse to take them, yes..then can call the police and there is no other way around it unless the meds made things worse...
In our Country, it would be a human rights violation to force anyone into service while ill but, if they had medications to correct the issue and the potential recruit refused them then it's another story....it is a violation of the recruit to follow an order.
Either take the meds and make the best of your service, or leave the Country because I doubt that anyone will do anything about this unless you knew the right place to go to present your case.
Is your Country in the United Nations?
This is a tough one..and it'll be hard to win this battle that you're thinking about...In my honest opinion.


02-12-2014, 03:36 PM
bump...so he sees it.. :)