View Full Version : And I'm back...so is my anxiety. :(

02-12-2014, 09:27 AM
I have been gone from this website for so long...I really was anticipating not needing it anymore, but unfortunately I guess I do.

It seems my panic attacks come in waves and is not as constant as I thought.
I've been enjoying panic attack free days for quite a while now, but it seems that they are back. Not as bad as before, but they are making an appearance and it most certainly isn't welcome.

For those who don't know me...I've had a history of panic attacks for about 2 1/2-3 years now and it had taken over my life. I constantly worried about having a panic attack and so I'd limit myself and eventually just shut down. I was having multiple attacks everyday which caused me to feel horrible for the entire day. I've had them everywhere and they happen at any time. They even happen when I cannot pinpoint a reason for them to be happening.
I've had them driving, riding in the car, walking around in public, sitting at home watching tv, browsing around online, during sex (sorry, tmi), and when just having a normal conversation.

Stress has picked up in my life. My husband has started a family business and isn't bringing home an income anymore. We have been living off of a little bit of savings that we had and also our tax return until I begin working. I'll be supporting us for a while which isn't a big deal because he supported me for so long. I actually find myself wanting to support his dream and watch it go far because I know he can make it. I know that my panic attacks are due to stress this time, but its frustrating because of how worn out I feel after my panic attacks.

Lately I've had issues with my gallbladder and I'm finding it hard to deal with that. I need to get it removed, but it isn't an emergency, so it'll have to wait until I get on insurance once I start working. I'm rather excited about that because I don't want this feeling anymore with my gallbladder. I can't even get any sleep at night which causes me to feel extra tired during the day and increases my anxiety. I've also noticed lately that my blood sugar drops which causes me to get shaky which also fuels my anxiety.

I don't want to say this, but I feel that I've developed a bit of health anxiety. Its unfortunate, but it is what it is I suppose.
I just constantly worry that I'm going to pass out or something. Especially when I'm alone. I'm fine when I'm around people because I know that I can get help if needed, but its just embarrassing to feel so needy. I've not really let my husband know how much I need him, but at the same time I think he just knows. Him being present helps me a lot and I rarely ever need his assistance for anything.

Right now I just want to sleep. I really want to just sleep my day away because I know that it might make me feel better, but then again I won't be able to sleep at night.

I'm hoping my anxiety goes away soon and gives me another extended break, lol.

I hope everyone is doing well!

02-12-2014, 09:33 AM
Good to see you back. Lots of reading to do. Re-familiarize yourself. Settle it, and get some support. Great to see you

02-12-2014, 10:19 AM
Hi ! Please take professional help if required.

You will be alright soon.

Take Care.