View Full Version : Screwed up by googling citralopram!

Max mar
02-12-2014, 01:57 AM
So I'm trying to muster up the courage to start taking citralopram and for the last few days and knew that I shouldn't of but I starting googling reviews and now Ive lost my confidence again!! I have major anxiety about taking any drugs and anything I put in my body (including food) due to having constant stomach/ digestive pain which I'm just starting to accept May be down to anxiety/ depression after a long illness.

I know I've just got to bite the bullet and try or I'll never know but with a toddler to look after everyday I scared to death I'll feel worse n not be able look after him properly.

Erg!! I hate this fear stopping me trying and making me make excuses! All I read was people saying how it made them have stomach pains and feel sick! Well I'm suppost to be taking it to STOP me feeling like that!
I just should not of looked I suppose, just wondered if someone could give me a good experience with citralopram?

Also could anyone tell me the difference between amitriptline and citralopram? My dr out me on amatriptaline for the random pains I have in my body and stomach pains but they never worked, if anything I felt more weird feeling when I was on them. I hope they're not the same type of drug!


Max mar
02-12-2014, 03:52 AM
Bad anxiety today! Made it worse by searching citralopram on here and not seeing many positive views on it! Loads of thoughts running around my head at the moment. Guess I feel if this doesn't work or I feel worse then that will be it and I'll be destined to feel like this the rest of my life. Scared it will push me over the edge and won't see the point in life anymore. How do I get over this?!

02-12-2014, 04:19 AM
Bad anxiety today! Made it worse by searching citralopram on here and not seeing many positive views on it! Loads of thoughts running around my head at the moment. Guess I feel if this doesn't work or I feel worse then that will be it and I'll be destined to feel like this the rest of my life. Scared it will push me over the edge and won't see the point in life anymore. How do I get over this?!

You will find mixed reviews on any medication, there are so many it's a case of finding the ones that work for you. I have known people who have had success with Citalopram and also people who didn't get on with it. The latter tend to either feel that their emotional state has flatlined as in, no good or bad feelings. Or develop every single side effect after reading the leaflet and google search.

You won't know whether they will work until a minimum of 4-6 weeks into your system (you will hear people say 2-3, this generally is the time for most of the side effects to pass). Normally if it is prescribed for anxiety it is usually done in combination with cognitive therapy, in order to wean down the meds as the thought processes improve. That said, CBT can be done without meds, but this will depend on the level of anxiety you have, meds are generally prescribed to allow the patient to be in a position to accept treatment.

Unfortunately most SSRI/TCA have the ability to cause nausea in the short term (not in everyone though) this is something of a trade off (no pain no gain as they say).

Best of luck

02-12-2014, 05:03 AM
Never google you always end up hearing the worst and then that will put you off,google is not a doctor. Everyone is different that's why there is so many meds or not to choose from,you only know your own mind and feelings,only you can make you feel better,it does take a few weeks to
Work fully,I know so many people on this med and it's
Woking for them,good luck :)