View Full Version : Car accident

02-11-2014, 08:59 PM
I was driving today when a car pulled out right in front of me. I hit them going about 25-30 mph. Luckily everyone was ok.

But now my health anxiety is going strong. I can't help but worry about whiplash or whatever else could be wrong. My airbag didn't deploy so I'm not so worried about concussions. But everything else! My neck is sore and head hurts, but it's not too bad.

Oh how I hate anxiety. I'm sure I'm fine, and I keep telling myself that. I even made my fiancé google whiplash for me (because I don't let myself google health things anymore lol).

02-11-2014, 09:12 PM
Great that you're ok Steph!!!...geeze...

You should maayyyybbeee think about an attorney sometime too, this "neck" thing can sometimes turn into a lifelong ordeal. (my gf has neck issues from an accident, 20 yrs later, didnt hire an attorney) jus sayin...

Take care of yourself too, if it hurts, gooooo gettt it checked out!!!


02-11-2014, 09:38 PM
As much as I don't like confrontation I have to agree here. My daughter and I were rear ended in October and went to hospital with severe whiplash. I have been going to physical therapy twice a week since that time. My doctor now wants me to have an MRI because of still having issues. The kicker is I can't use my health insurance due to it being an auto accident so every visit is out of pocket. Now I'm having to get my lawyer involved because I don't want to get sent for collections if the bills start adding up. Insurance companies are a bugger. I'm very glad you're ok but I agree with Eman on this one. Take care of yourself!!!

02-12-2014, 08:30 AM
As much as I don't like confrontation I have to agree here. My daughter and I were rear ended in October and went to hospital with severe whiplash. I have been going to physical therapy twice a week since that time. My doctor now wants me to have an MRI because of still having issues. The kicker is I can't use my health insurance due to it being an auto accident so every visit is out of pocket. Now I'm having to get my lawyer involved because I don't want to get sent for collections if the bills start adding up. Insurance companies are a bugger. I'm very glad you're ok but I agree with Eman on this one. Take care of yourself!!!

It has to be done Blessed!! It has to be confronted whenever things like this happen and Steph and you are ok for now, just have to think about the future in a different perspective..The other persons insurance company will have to be confronted, and more than likely sued..Sorry, but true friends.
