View Full Version : Comfused

02-11-2014, 07:50 PM
I have been feeling this for a while now when I'm dosing off I get this feeling of weak and light headed like as if I'm drifting off when I get up from that feeling I get this rah that goes from My head down my arms feel weak and idk what to do It gets weird cause it messing with my breathing it always happened when I'm tired and dosing off or falling asleep

02-11-2014, 08:54 PM
This may sound weird, but try drinking a full glass of water before bed and another when you first wake up. It helps you stay hydrated, and in the morning gets your organs moving. I feel weird before bed a lot too. Like sometimes I'm drifting off too early. And just about anytime my anxiety hits my breathing feels weird. Hope you feel better!

02-11-2014, 10:01 PM
with anxiety breathing is the first to be affected water really helps and gets rid of the dry mouth makes feel easier to breathe. if you yawn a lot that will make your breathing feel weird as well. just a couple of tips to you out hope it helps you out some