View Full Version : I get too emotional all the time!!!

Kyle Morgan
02-11-2014, 05:34 PM
Many of you know on here now probably know what I've been through the past few months. I have suffered with Anxiety and Depression for over 3 years, since I was about 15. I had my very first Panic attack in October of last year, it scared the crap out of me. I've had friends leave me and turn their back on me because they found out about my condition. I only told people because I kept it in for so long, I felt like I just had to tell someone!! My parents have split up and all they do is fight and argue. I struggle to make it into College by Train, I used to catch a lift with my Neighbour but she's stopped talking to me because she don't like my friend. I got bullied for years in school and I keep telling myself I am ugly and a failure. The thing is though over the past two months, I have broken down a few times, it mainly happens in the night, but I will sometimes break down crying for no reason. I am embarrassed about this because I am a guy and I think to myself, "Why the hell am I crying for" I can't watch the news because it makes me too sad, if I hear about people getting hurt or animals getting hurt, it makes me angry and sad" It makes me upset when I think of people who have to suffer". I can't really explain why I suddenly break down for no reason, is it to do with my Anxiety and suicidal thoughts?? I keep thinking I'm pathetic for doing this, I feel like people will make fun of me for this.

02-11-2014, 05:43 PM
First can I say how strong you are,you are so much more than you think of yourself,men do cry you know,even the ones that think they are to tough to cry,this is not a bad thing to do,it's good to let it out,having your parents spilt up is going to be hard at anytime of your life,as for your friends,well they are not real friends at all,it makes me laugh as anyone can get a panic attack it's not a illness it's a feeling,a very scary one,I think people who have anxiety are strong loving people.
Your not ugly at all
Your not a failure
Your not being stupid for crying
Your a fab person,chin up :)

02-11-2014, 05:44 PM
I get all emotional and cry too sometimes. And I'm a guy. To everyone that laughs: Here's a big f*ck you. I usually can't control my emotions and feelings at night, I don't know why. My parents split up 2 years ago and they argued and fought alot too. But it all ended good and so will it for you.

Kyle, keep fighting man. You're an inspiration to many that feels like you feel. Including me. I KNOW your tale will have a happy ending.

Kyle Morgan
02-11-2014, 06:54 PM
Thanks people, I just feel downright now, I'm meant to get up for College in 5 hours, I cannot sleep at all