View Full Version : Propofol for psychosomatic sleepiness/exhaustion

02-11-2014, 02:00 PM
Hi Folks

I suffer almost daily from severe exhaustion if I "dont get enough sleep". What exactly that is I dont fully know anymore. It seems as though if I wake even just a few minutes b4 I expect to I feel as though I haven't slept in days. When the truth is I may have just awoken from about 8hrs of sleep. My nerves feel shot, my anxiety is thru the roof and I can barely keep my eyes open. My work suffers dearly because of it...actually my whole life suffers from it as I can never make plans to do anything from fear of feeling tired that day that I may be asked to do something. Whether its work or play related I never plan anything. Knowing there is a very good chance I'll feel exhausted I can't do it. Yes, this is all mental, I know, but it doesn't make it go away. And last I heard/read, there is no cure (shocker). So I have to rely on taking very small naps each day to take the edge off. I must admit when I do nap for just a few minutes it lifts nearly all the anxiety and tiredness. Literally just losing consciousness for a few moments and POOF, its all gone. Anxiety lifted, not tired, no more palpitations etc. Unfortunately I don't always nod off when I try to rest my eyes in some conference room some where so I'm looking for a drug that may guarantee it. My initial thought was something like Propofol but all I really need is something to knock me out for 3-7mins, thats it. I'm open to any suggestions you may have. Im sure most are not in favor of this but this has controlled me my whole adult life and I'm done/spent. I'd like to live a little at 44yrs old. This is how I've lived since about 20yrs old. Yes, desperation has set in.


02-11-2014, 02:08 PM
Hello William sleep deprivation of feeling that you've not had enough is hard,I to suffer from this when my anxiety is high so I know it's just anxiety, are you on any medication? Have you had a blood test to check your vitamin D levels?

02-11-2014, 02:15 PM
I get the exact same problem.. I get under 8 hours, by even just an hour, I feel awful and anxious.. if I get exactly 8, I still feel the same way.. It's like 10 is what I seem to need or something (who knows) but anyway. What you could try and do is, get up, get ready for work, eat breakfast etc.. then if you have a few mins before you have to go, lay down for a stretch on your bed, don't allow yourself to fall asleep, just relax on that bed for a few mins.. it irons out a few of your "inner wrinkles", and then get up and be on your way, it'll help some.

02-11-2014, 02:39 PM
I've never had my vitamin D levels checked that I am aware of. What does that tell you/measure?

I'm on klonopin at night b4 bed to help me sleep and lexapro (Which Im convinced does nothing)

Thank you for responding!

02-11-2014, 02:43 PM
Thanks AC, sounds like you have a touch of the same problem as well. I'll try what you said. Only thing is getting up earlier drives my anxiety WAY up because, well, I have to get up earlier and that means less sleep if I dont fall asleep rather quickly at night. Is this not insane to read about????????? Utterly ridiculous what anxiety does.
I was at a point where if I got 7hrs of sleep I was fine. If I got 6:55 mins of sleep I was exhausted. Almost comical.

02-11-2014, 02:46 PM
I've never had my vitamin D levels checked that I am aware of. What does that tell you/measure? I'm on klonopin at night b4 bed to help me sleep and lexapro (Which Im convinced does nothing) Thank you for responding!

I felt very tired to the time and weak and I had a blood test and my vit D was low,I took some vitamins and help me a lot so maybe it's worth a blood test

02-11-2014, 02:53 PM
I felt very tired to the time and weak and I had a blood test and my vit D was low,I took some vitamins and help me a lot so maybe it's worth a blood test

I certainly will, thank you very much!

02-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Thanks AC, sounds like you have a touch of the same problem as well. I'll try what you said. Only thing is getting up earlier drives my anxiety WAY up because, well, I have to get up earlier and that means less sleep if I dont fall asleep rather quickly at night. Is this not insane to read about????????? Utterly ridiculous what anxiety does.
I was at a point where if I got 7hrs of sleep I was fine. If I got 6:55 mins of sleep I was exhausted. Almost comical.

You don't have to get up earlier than normal! I was only suggesting if you have some time before you have to leave, you could stretch out on the bed for a bit, with your shoes on and no covers, just lie there for a minute or two, to recharge a bit, if you can.