View Full Version : This might sound like a stupid question but..?

02-11-2014, 01:08 PM
Are there certain massages you can do to relax your head? Like the frontal lobe area/whatever, or down around the amygdala? lol Can you massage muscles around it as if you could massage a sore area on other parts of your body??

Sometimes while feeling anxious, I massage my head, hoping that will make some kind of difference (I get that desperate at times).. especially when it feels like I can't get focus on anything mentally, and my eyes feel irritated.. Sometimes, I even remove my glasses so everything becomes out of focus purposefully and I can't see anything so I don't dwell so much on how everything feels out of focus due to my anxiety..I know that probably doesn't make any sense but.. *sigh*

02-11-2014, 01:29 PM
Now that you mention it, my pillow arrangement isn't that great..I stack like 4 or 5 pillows up, and sleep on my stomach, I do this cause I feel like I need my head to be lifted enough to breathe through my nostrils, but it can't be doing my neck much good...they could be related issues..hmmm..*thinks*

*attempts to massage her neck a bit* :p