View Full Version : so done with this. !!

02-11-2014, 12:36 AM
Okay, so of course I'm struggling with the idea that anxiety can cause do many symptoms in my body when I feel" fine" truth is...that isn't the case, I Always have some residual anxiety about something. Today I felt what I thought to be my heart send pain and heat up through my neck into my ears, lasted about ten seconds and stopped. No doctor has heard of this and even the almighty google can't give me an answer. So, I am left to say this is anxiety. What the he'll anxiety? ?? Go pick on someone your own size!! Anyone else have weird crap like that happen. I hate when I get used to one symptom and here comes another new one..grrr lol. Someone help this poor girl out.

02-11-2014, 12:53 AM
Okay, so of course I'm struggling with the idea that anxiety can cause do many symptoms in my body when I feel" fine" truth is...that isn't the case, I Always have some residual anxiety about something. Today I felt what I thought to be my heart send pain and heat up through my neck into my ears, lasted about ten seconds and stopped. No doctor has heard of this and even the almighty google can't give me an answer. So, I am left to say this is anxiety. What the he'll anxiety? ?? Go pick on someone your own size!! Anyone else have weird crap like that happen. I hate when I get used to one symptom and here comes another new one..grrr lol. Someone help this poor girl out.

first of all you are not a poor girl. if u are the same as in your photo here you are too damn hot. second stop being aware of what is going on around. try to memorize this when u experience something. it is all a chemical thing. and i am allright i am myself. just that my chemicals tell me otherwise doesnt mean anything. you will find this very relaxing. it has helped me so far.

02-11-2014, 12:58 AM
I had this I was walking home from dropping my little girl off at school and I got this sudden feeling of heat from under my diaphragm and a sharp pain all up my chest I thought shit I am having a heart attack!

I stopped in the middle of the street I went dizzy and had blurred vision and wanted to sit down but instead of sitting down I thought I am not far from home push through it!

So I walked the rest of the way home and by the time I got there I felt fine, I had done the complete opposite of what my body was telling me to do and that's when I started winning the fight against it, and new symptoms stopped coming! It really is just anxiety

Sorry for rambling I wanted to give you a example of what I done instead of jut saying yeah I get this too

02-11-2014, 01:26 AM
Lol Mimi thanks, yes that's me. You have a great point. :) and wow! That sounds awful, I'm glad you pushed through! I have a real benign heart thing so it makes it difficult to tell the two apart. :( but! I will keep on fighting!

02-11-2014, 01:37 AM
Cimi, dumb auto correct. Anyone else have a similar experience??

02-11-2014, 01:55 AM
Cimi, dumb auto correct. Anyone else have a similar experience??

no really are u in the photo?

Lord Jazzinho
02-11-2014, 01:58 AM
Maybe the problem is thinking of every twinge as a symptom. A symptom is an indicator of something else. We all get aches and pains and twinges but they are not necessarily symptoms. If you think about how many moving parts there are in the body, you are bound get the odd misfiring nerve of twinge in a muscle or whatever. Anyway hope this is useful :)

02-11-2014, 02:47 AM
Maybe the problem is thinking of every twinge as a symptom. A symptom is an indicator of something else. We all get aches and pains and twinges but they are not necessarily symptoms. If you think about how many moving parts there are in the body, you are bound get the odd misfiring nerve of twinge in a muscle or whatever. Anyway hope this is useful :)
I agree with this, I am so far Into anxiety (5years) That I don't nitpick and dwell over the small stuff typically. Just the things that are not in my range of normal for anxiety. I feel like my ears need to pop, and my stupid heartbeat is always pulsing in my right ear. Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh. All night.. makes it hard to not focus on your heart when it is amplified in your ear. Grr

02-11-2014, 03:07 AM
Okay, so of course I'm struggling with the idea that anxiety can cause do many symptoms in my body when I feel" fine" truth is...that isn't the case, I Always have some residual anxiety about something. Today I felt what I thought to be my heart send pain and heat up through my neck into my ears, lasted about ten seconds and stopped. No doctor has heard of this and even the almighty google can't give me an answer. So, I am left to say this is anxiety. What the he'll anxiety? ?? Go pick on someone your own size!! Anyone else have weird crap like that happen. I hate when I get used to one symptom and here comes another new one..grrr lol. Someone help this poor girl out.

I go through the same exact thing girl... It seems like the second I finally get used to a certain anxiety symptom and can talk myself through it to make it not as scary, a new random symptom shows up as if it's saying HA! IM STILL HERE! Try and ignore THIS! So frustrating. I wish anxiety was a person so I could punch it lol. Hang in there xo

02-11-2014, 03:49 AM
I had the same problem 2 weeks ago. I was constantly checking my heart beat and everytime I felt odd pain, I'd freak out thinking it's something dangerous that can kill me. Then I'd go get it checked with my doc, to only find out that I'm completly fine. But you know what got me out of his vicious circle? The thought that I was spending time of my life on this. I could've enjoyed that time. If you're going to die, die happy at least. :)

02-11-2014, 07:00 AM
Okay, so of course I'm struggling with the idea that anxiety can cause do many symptoms in my body when I feel" fine" truth is...that isn't the case, I Always have some residual anxiety about something... I hate when I get used to one symptom and here comes another new one..grrr lol. Someone help this poor girl out.
Wow, I completely relate to this ab123!!! Its our OCD forcing us to focus on every ache and pain our body puts out. Been suffering through this my whole life. On those days that I feel fine, no aches and pains to worry about, life is so good! I wish there were more of those and less of the other...

Lord Jazzinho
02-12-2014, 01:24 AM
I agree with this, I am so far Into anxiety (5years) That I don't nitpick and dwell over the small stuff typically. Just the things that are not in my range of normal for anxiety. I feel like my ears need to pop, and my stupid heartbeat is always pulsing in my right ear. Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh. All night.. makes it hard to not focus on your heart when it is amplified in your ear. Grr

This may sound stupid but have you tried earphones when this happens? It may just break the focus on it.

02-12-2014, 01:51 AM
This may sound stupid but have you tried earphones when this happens? It may just break the focus on it.

I have tried that yes, and It does help! Just hard for me to sleep that way. Lol

02-12-2014, 01:06 PM
I have tried that yes, and It does help! Just hard for me to sleep that way. Lol
I've used ear buds for years whenever my mind is running at bedtime. Usually listen to classical music or Coast to Coast AM. I simply place the auto off and it shuts down at :45 minute mark. Of I wake up in the middle of the night, which I do often, I turn it back on. It's not ideal but has been effective.

02-12-2014, 01:12 PM
You may need to have a poor girl fart. LOL :D Of course a lot of have similar things. I want you to make a list and I bet you there will be at least one person who has

it. If not they soon will. Was the fart thing gross? I didn't think so. Peace.... Keep rockin it!