View Full Version : Should I go to the E.R?

02-10-2014, 07:12 PM
The pressure in the back of head which is now on my temples too is seriously irritating me so bad!! My eyes are sensitive to the light. I wanna cry or shout or even pull my hair out!! I'm so tired of feeling spacey, not myself and like I'm dumb!

Maybe it's because I'm freaking tired and I can never sleep now because I'm so worried that something can happen to me?!?!

I sound like a broken record always asking for advice on this forum! I've gone to the E.R numerous of times and I tell them I have pressure in the back of my head and my neck hurts a lot and they say it's all due to stress. They've recommended me to talk to a Psychologist as well, but honestly I never have. I don't know why?!

They always tell me they aren't concerned of a neurology problem because they do this test on me with their fingers and automatically think it's just my anxiety. They also said they're not concerned about a brain tumor, or diabetes.

What should I do?! Please and thank you! I've had blood work done, but never ever have had a CT scan or MRI or anything else in that nature.

02-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Hmmm...... I went to the ER so many times and it was a waste..... And they always said there's nothing wrong with you go to your normal doctor it's anxiety blah blah. But if you feel really bad then obviously you should go with your guy instinct :) hospitals around here don't care about anxiety. I'd wait and see a regular doctor

02-10-2014, 07:24 PM
I'm a female lol :) My doctor tells me it's my anxiety too. I have been feeling this way for 2 years now. Well without my medication. I don't really like her and she's hardly in her office. I feel like going with her is a waste of my time. If I tell her I want an MRI or CT Scan she will probably get upset and ask me if I've been looking up my symptoms?! -_______-

02-10-2014, 07:27 PM
I meant gut instinct. Damn iPhone lol. Yeah doctors don't really listen..... It's so hard to find one who takes this serious ya know? It has been for me. They say oh you have anxiety? Let's check your thyroid and heres some anti depressants have a great day! And I'm like..... Really?? Could you explain a all of this to me BETTER!!

02-10-2014, 07:30 PM
Take a hot shower and relax or a bath with candles lit and have yer husband come in and play the guitar and seranade you while you chill out and realize that this is merely a psychosomatic disorder caused by your brain chemistry and you need some sort of relief instead of pulling your hair out and screaming because you have a headache so take some acetaminophen and and pain relief cream ready and rub it on your temples too....:)

02-10-2014, 07:45 PM
I get pressure in my head as well. No pain. But it's like the pressure creeps up the back of my head and spreads, then goes away. I have pretty bad anxiety and recently racked up a $1000 ER bill from a panic attack. My heart rate was high. They did an ekg and sent me on my way. Lesson learned. Now i owe more money then i have.

Just talk it out and find someone who understands. Do something to busy your mind. It will pass. Talk to a professional. (Which i have yet to do).

I hope you feel better.

02-10-2014, 07:49 PM
I meant gut instinct. Damn iPhone lol. Yeah doctors don't really listen..... It's so hard to find one who takes this serious ya know? It has been for me. They say oh you have anxiety? Let's check your thyroid and heres some anti depressants have a great day! And I'm like..... Really?? Could you explain a all of this to me BETTER!!

Exactly! I tell them I feel like this and like that and they automatically tell me it's my anxiety and I'm just like, "Dang! Anxiety is a SOB!" She was supposed to check my Thyroid, but she didn't since that day I found out I was pregnant so she just referred to an ob/gyn. I was on Xanax but stopped due to my pregnancy.

02-10-2014, 07:54 PM
Take a hot shower and relax or a bath with candles lit and have yer husband come in and play the guitar and seranade you while you chill out and realize that this is merely a psychosomatic disorder caused by your brain chemistry and you need some sort of relief instead of pulling your hair out and screaming because you have a headache so take some acetaminophen and and pain relief cream ready and rub it on your temples too....:)

Honestly I've felt this way for 2 years now. I've tried telling myself it's nothing, but everything is there and never goes away. Yes! I am always thinking of my anxiety and how it makes me feel. Everything triggers my anxiety and I start to freak out. Tylenol doesn't help relief my tension headaches. The only thing that ever has, has been Zanax, but I can't take it so I have to deal with this pain every day! My temples starting to feel pressure out of the blue. Sometimes I even feel like I'm gonna go cross eyed. The light hurts my eyes so bad! I hardly sleep now. I wake up more than once every night. Maybe my body needs rest?

Remember how I mentioned the stomach anxiety. I've thrown up twice today and feel like I am going to again. I can't seem to keep food down.

02-11-2014, 02:54 AM
The pressure in the back of head which is now on my temples too is seriously irritating me so bad!! My eyes are sensitive to the light. I wanna cry or shout or even pull my hair out!! I'm so tired of feeling spacey, not myself and like I'm dumb!

Maybe it's because I'm freaking tired and I can never sleep now because I'm so worried that something can happen to me?!?!

I sound like a broken record always asking for advice on this forum! I've gone to the E.R numerous of times and I tell them I have pressure in the back of my head and my neck hurts a lot and they say it's all due to stress. They've recommended me to talk to a Psychologist as well, but honestly I never have. I don't know why?!

They always tell me they aren't concerned of a neurology problem because they do this test on me with their fingers and automatically think it's just my anxiety. They also said they're not concerned about a brain tumor, or diabetes.

What should I do?! Please and thank you! I've had blood work done, but never ever have had a CT scan or MRI or anything else in that nature.

Lizard you are beautiful and have a lot of good things going in life. You could be concentrating on bigger and better things than worrying about your heart, breathing, etc.
Unless you have been Shot, cut, burned, broken any bones, you name it. If you have been given the OK by a GP then you my lady are certainly G2G!!!
Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love.... God bless!

02-11-2014, 06:35 AM
Lizard you are beautiful and have a lot of good things going in life. You could be concentrating on bigger and better things than worrying about your heart, breathing, etc.
Unless you have been Shot, cut, burned, broken any bones, you name it. If you have been given the OK by a GP then you my lady are certainly G2G!!!
Love the Life you Live, Live the Life you Love.... God bless!

Thank you very much! I really need to learn how to live without fear because fear is what stops me from doing a lot of stuff! God bless you♥