View Full Version : Ok to exercise whilst precribed propanolol?

02-10-2014, 12:37 PM

I've been on 80mg of propanolol for 4 months now for anxiety. To help get better im going to get back Into running/gym.

However, I remember when I had anxiety a few years ago I was training for a half Marathon and the doc I was seeing at the time didn't want to prescribe me propanolol as she said it's not good for heart.

02-10-2014, 12:43 PM
Long distance runners, atheletes, use beta blockers to lower the heart rate...so they can have that "edge"...an advantage over others because their heart rates will skyrocket and tire them more quickly...That's the "edge"....they can go farther and push harder. I used them to train harder in the gym, with weights..

Yes, it's fine to exercise while on beta blockers....just cant use them if you're being (tested) for a sport. Just don't run for competition.. LOL!! :)


02-10-2014, 12:47 PM
Long distance runners, atheletes, use beta blockers to lower the heart rate...so they can have that "edge"...an advantage over others because their heart rates will skyrocket and tire them more quickly...That's the "edge"....they can go farther and push harder. I used them to train harder in the gym, with weights.. Yes, it's fine to exercise while on beta blockers....just cant use them if you're being (tested) for a sport. Just don't run for competition.. LOL!! :) E-Man...

Thanks for your response ! Wonder why the doc said that then.

02-10-2014, 12:54 PM
Covering her own a** because if you won, then everyone would want to know how you performed so well????....Oh, just beta blockers. RED FLAGS GO UP EVERYWHERE AROUND YOU BECAUSE YOU HAD THE 'EDGE' OVER EVERYONE ELSE!!!...Then your Doc is in the spotlight, even though it isnt illegal outside of pro sport..atheletes love em!!! Until they get caught...HE HE!! :)