View Full Version : Burning up!

02-10-2014, 12:36 PM
I'm on the verge of a panic attack right now. I've been feeling bad all of last week and today it's worse than ever. I feel like my lungs are burning up. I feel it in my throat and my gut, it's a constant discomfort. It's kind of burning and tickling, but it's not painful when I swallow or anything. Lately I've been using my inhalers (ventolin and alvesco) for my asthma more frequently since I've been having a lot of difficulty breathing, and I stopped since I thought that was causing the burning feeling. I also had bronchiatis a month ago and took some antibiotics, so maybe it came back? Or maybe it's only my anxiety acting up? Anybody experiencing similar symptoms?

02-10-2014, 01:03 PM
Honestly, it sounds like acid reflux to me...at least from here. Is the pain right in the center of the chest and into the throat???...You need to keep using those inhalers though too!!...bronchitis usually doesn't return and hits once. Eat some tums and posts back up in 20 mins er so and see how that feels. :)

02-10-2014, 01:19 PM
Yes it is right in the middle of the throat and also in the middle of the sternum. I've had acid reflux in the past but it feels...weirder this time around. Maybe because it's making me so nervous. I will try to take the thums as you say!

El Lukio
02-10-2014, 02:07 PM
Yes it is right in the middle of the throat and also in the middle of the sternum. I've had acid reflux in the past but it feels...weirder this time around. Maybe because it's making me so nervous. I will try to take the thums as you say!

Agree with E Man. Definitely sounds like reflux or ulcer etc. Look through the posts on here - gastric discomfort is a classic anxiety symptom that will worsen the more you think/worry about it. Get some OTC antacid meds and I'm sure they'll calm it down or see your GP for something a bit stronger like ranitidine or Omeprazole.

I've had these symptoms for a while and it's what's contributed to my latest anxiety episode. Although saying that, I've been on Magnesium and Vit B Complex for the past few days and it does seem easier.

02-11-2014, 03:41 PM
Thank you so much for your tips!

E-man, after taking 2 Tums tablets, I felt much better after a while and actually was able to sleep yesterday night! I never thought it was actually heart burns. I've had those before and it felt completely different, but the anti-acid still worked, and seeing your answers made me calm down.

El Lukio, I bought magnesium yesterday and will start taking those in the morning. Hopefully, it's gonna help with acid refluxes. I also saw the thread where L-glutamine works well against anxiety and I'm going to try both together!

Once again, thank you!

02-11-2014, 03:48 PM
YAY!!! More success stories!!!

SOOOOOOO happy that the issues can be corrected with relative ease and you slept too!! Whoo hooo!!!

Yes, magnesium and L-Glutamine are excellent at being an assist to battle anxiety...
