View Full Version : Anyone else have bad upper/lower/back of neck muscle tension

03-05-2008, 06:45 PM
For awhile I had really bad tension on the left side of my neck, that gave me bad tension headaches. Now it has moved to the back of my neck, upper back , sometimes lower and it won't go away. It is kinda painful and it makes me feel like I'm walking around in jello.

I have anxiety, and depression. I just started prozac a week ago, trazodone 5 weeks ago, and just started klonopin. I've been seeing a psychologist for a month. I cant see a psychatrist for another month.

I feel like my world is coming to a crashing halt and I'm just really afraid. I've seen a neuro, GP, and Cardiologist. Cardio thought my elevated heartrate was due to my anxiety. My GP says I am severly depressed and my neuro thinks I have anxiety and depression. Ive got a headache that won't go away and I'm hoping its just due to the tremendous tension in my neck and back.

I see my neuro again monday and my GP in two weeks.

I haven't been properly diagnosed my a psychatrist. I'm pretty sure I have GAD and depression. I just keep worrying that the doctors are over looking my physical pains because they think it is mental that is doing it. I need to find away to accept it. It is so hard.

Anyone else experience this?

03-05-2008, 07:20 PM
Hi butterfly girl :)
Yeah funny that... I actually just came on to post something along those lines till i found your post and decided to read it first!
Yep, for a little while now i have been experiencing some neck pains shoulder pains, lower back pains. The neck pains are around the back of my skull and the muscle just behind the ears. It feels like my neck cant suppport my head anymore! My back pains are just under my shoulder blades which i am completely freeking out about because i cant stop thinking about lung cancer( i smoke as well which doesn't help!). And my lower back pains are just above the tailbone which just hurts so damn much! I too suffer from anxiety and depression to which i am currently on lexapro for and have been for almost 3 months now, i also see a pshycologist. These two combined have helped alot with the depression but the anxiety is still present. I have had blood test, immunity test, x-ray's the works which all have come up clear, but yet i still cant help but feel there is something wrong with me health wise. At this point i feel that what we are both experiencing with the upper and lower body pains are just part of our anxiety and the best thing to do here is to just not think about them. I feel better in myself having read your symptoms now i feel like i can stop stressing about them because you are experiencing them also. Hope this makes you feel a little bit at ease... Just remember too that what you think is what you create, so the more you focus on a certain feeling or thought the stronger it gets. So try to distract yourself and find something that makes you feel good. For me i go for a walk out in the sunlight as it stimulates your natural serotonin in your brain.

03-05-2008, 08:16 PM
Hi butterfly girl :)
Yeah funny that... I actually just came on to post something along those lines till i found your post and decided to read it first!
Yep, for a little while now i have been experiencing some neck pains shoulder pains, lower back pains. The neck pains are around the back of my skull and the muscle just behind the ears. It feels like my neck cant suppport my head anymore! My back pains are just under my shoulder blades which i am completely freeking out about because i cant stop thinking about lung cancer( i smoke as well which doesn't help!). And my lower back pains are just above the tailbone which just hurts so damn much! I too suffer from anxiety and depression to which i am currently on lexapro for and have been for almost 3 months now, i also see a pshycologist. These two combined have helped alot with the depression but the anxiety is still present. I have had blood test, immunity test, x-ray's the works which all have come up clear, but yet i still cant help but feel there is something wrong with me health wise. At this point i feel that what we are both experiencing with the upper and lower body pains are just part of our anxiety and the best thing to do here is to just not think about them. I feel better in myself having read your symptoms now i feel like i can stop stressing about them because you are experiencing them also. Hope this makes you feel a little bit at ease... Just remember too that what you think is what you create, so the more you focus on a certain feeling or thought the stronger it gets. So try to distract yourself and find something that makes you feel good. For me i go for a walk out in the sunlight as it stimulates your natural serotonin in your brain.

Thanks for responding and sharing your story.
I'm glad to know someone else is experiencing these symptoms.
I too get the pull on the ear and feeling like my neck cant support my head or that my shoulders are getting pulled on by my neck when I walk.
I'm glad my post helped, yours helped me too.
I think my klonopin helps with my tension ...I'm hoping.

Thanks again
Hang in there.

03-08-2008, 09:36 PM
i have had these pains too. so i decided to do yoga:D it works really well, and the benifits are amazing. I feel more relaxed, less anxious, just over-all better. I do that and also meditation. which holds its own benifits also. just some ideas if you would like to try:) good luck:D

03-09-2008, 09:27 AM
i have had these pains too. so i decided to do yoga:D it works really well, and the benifits are amazing. I feel more relaxed, less anxious, just over-all better. I do that and also meditation. which holds its own benifits also. just some ideas if you would like to try:) good luck:D

Lots of people have been suggesting yoga.
I will give it a try once my head stops hurting...I have tension headaches or something ugh

03-16-2008, 03:38 AM
no problem:)

i also walk around out local track thats right by a pond with this waterfall type thing. its really relaxing and peaceful. so if you like you can try that also. helps me so it might help you:)

good luck:)

05-08-2008, 02:31 AM
I need to find away to accept it. It is so hard.

Part of the problem with people trying to accept is that they think they need to find a way to 'turn on' acceptance like a light switch. And this is just not the way it works. Acceptance comes with time - often a very long time. The trick is to try to accept just as much as you can, even if only a little bit. Try to increase your level of acceptance as time goes on. This will eventually lead to full, calm acceptance.

05-08-2008, 09:48 AM
I have similar stress/anxiety issues which causing some back pain.

I'm doing some yoga too, but be careful with yoga if you have already tension in your muscles yoga can make it worse. First you need to relax them, and the best method for that is trigger point massage and Qi Gong.

05-13-2008, 03:37 AM
hey I have constant neck pain when I have my anxiety.
It always decided to sit at the base of my skull and feel as if a pressure is squeezing at that portion of my neck. To be honest I found that when I work out it really helps with it and another thing I discovered is acupuncture helped with that pain and massages helped tremeduously.
Look for a massage school that is local to you, you can get an hour massage for ~$25 give or take. Have them focus on relieving the stress in your neck and shoulders. You'll feel great afterwards=)