View Full Version : New sensation with heart palps

02-10-2014, 07:27 AM
I'm used to the heart palps where there's a thud, u feel you need to catch your breath type of palp, this morning I have been getting just a pause which is quite alarming. Anybody get these types? Will breathing or water help

02-10-2014, 10:15 AM
yer a twerp!! You know what'll help????....A BETA BLOCKER.....:)

02-10-2014, 11:42 AM
I'm used to the heart palps where there's a thud, u feel you need to catch your breath type of palp, this morning I have been getting just a pause which is quite alarming. Anybody get these types? Will breathing or water help

I have this all the time, and some times it's a lot stronger than others. My triggers of them are when I am standing in line at a store (probably because of all the congestion and because I am impatient lol. And after a night of drinking in the morning I would get them and have to stop to catch my breath. I do get tired when it happens too.

You should write down or try to remember what you were doing, when it happened, and where you were to try and figure out what triggers your palps.
There is also beta blockers but IMO med's should be a last resort.
Good luck and remember you aren't alone in feeling what you feel.

02-10-2014, 09:28 PM
Thank you. I just hate the feeling of inner shakiness and jittery vibes. Hard to explain but it's like my insides cannot be still especially in my chest then when I check pulse it's normal ....strange

03-05-2014, 01:49 PM
I posted on here a while back so I'm trying to use search engine and not make so many new threads about same subject so I hope I did it right. Anywho, can Prozac cause heart palps, or can stomach meds like protonix cause them?

03-05-2014, 10:21 PM
Hey blessed. I too get palps and know the pause feeling you are talking about. It is just how our anxiety brain interprets the hearts early beat. That's how my doctor explained it to me. Don't think pause...think palp...and that pause feeling goes away. I promise !!!

03-06-2014, 06:35 AM
yer a twerp!! You know what'll help????....A BETA BLOCKER.....:)

Agree, how many threads we got Blessed about your heart palps? hon you will be ok:)

03-06-2014, 06:39 AM
I posted on here a while back so I'm trying to use search engine and not make so many new threads about same subject so I hope I did it right. Anywho, can Prozac cause heart palps, or can stomach meds like protonix cause them?

Ups I missed it, Hehe Blessed no problem with it:) Stomach meds do not cause heart palps, but heightened anxiety will. Frankie just posted fantastic link to Tai chi, It is old and not to difficult and only 8 minutes. It is worth to try , I bet it will calm you up. I will post the link for you my lady ;)
clicky (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNtWqDxwwMg)

Forgive me people for double post :( please