View Full Version : Blackout rage

02-09-2014, 10:14 PM
Does this happen to anyone else? I've had this odd sensation under extreme distress occasionally for years. I get so worked up and fueled by my rage that my vision gets completely blurry, lightheaded, heart pumping, and I just need to scream into a pillow. I call it my blackout rage because when this happens I say things I don't remember saying and just feel like I blacked out. Physically I know that it's fight or flight response. My blood drains from my head to my fists. It's so frustrating the person I'm verbally fighting with doesn't even know what's going on with me and I don't remember it. And even weirder, it gives me hangover like symptoms the next day. This has happened probably 10x throughout my life but now their happening more often and with more intense "blackouts." I've combed the Internet looking for answers but can't seem to find anything like this.
Anyone? Bueller?

02-10-2014, 04:54 AM
I have Intermittent Explosive Disorder. I can't see anything or anyone for who they are or what it is but it only last for about 5 mins er so..except I remember it all...I have to hide from everyone for a little while to protect them..

Bueller skipped today.

It's weird!


02-10-2014, 01:17 PM
I don't know anything about intermittent explosive disorder... Is it considered an anxiety disorder?

02-10-2014, 01:22 PM
No, It is associated with other disorders at times. It can also come with medicines, and sometimes, personality disorders, or bi-polar disorder. Although DSM indicates strict tests to determine if IED is the case.

1.several episodes of impulsive behavior that result in serious damage to either persons or property, wherein
2.the degree of the aggressiveness is grossly disproportionate to the circumstances or provocation, and
3.the episodic violence cannot be better accounted for by another mental or physical medical condition

Are these present? You would be best to talk with Doctor of course.

02-10-2014, 01:26 PM
Well,...it's actually a part of a PTSD/anxiety disorder, then it has turned psychotic in nature at times. Basically I just lose all self-control briefly to gain control of a situation. Then i have to gain control of myself, and get away from whatever the situation is or was before things start breaking...LOL!! I'm ok now though, I take anti-psychotic medications to control it and keep me calm, energetic, and generally happy. :)

02-10-2014, 01:27 PM
No, It is associated with other disorders at times. It can also come with medicines, and sometimes, personality disorders, or bi-polar disorder. Although DSM indicates strict tests to determine if IED is the case.

1.several episodes of impulsive behavior that result in serious damage to either persons or property, wherein
2.the degree of the aggressiveness is grossly disproportionate to the circumstances or provocation, and
3.the episodic violence cannot be better accounted for by another mental or physical medical condition

Are these present? You would be best to talk with Doctor of course.

Bingo!!! :D

02-10-2014, 01:34 PM
Sounds so scary :( I'm glad you've found a way to control it E-Man :)

02-10-2014, 02:17 PM
That's exactly why I joined this forum,,at least part of the reason. The semi-main reason. I remember threads,..long long ago. LOL!!! :)