View Full Version : College.

02-09-2014, 09:28 PM
So I started college last week. It was all last minute, I was on the waiting list and didn't think I would actually get in, but lookie now, I'm a college student. Exciting right?! Yeah, it is, except it's like high school on steroids, jacked right up. Which is all good, I'm adjusting quite well to the pace. It's for health care and it's something I have always wanted to get involved with. Only thing now, is that I feel like I don't have time to address my anxiety, not a lot of time to meditate or anything this past week. We had a pokey derby this weekend with my family which was fun even though I didn't drink because I was driving and had to study and work on an essay. Finished the essay less than an hour ago, finally. I have an exam tomorrow afternoon, pretty confident about it. So far have gotten 1 A and 3 A+ on the work I've done so far so that's a non issue. I just came on to ask for advice on how to manage my anxiety. I know this is going to be a more stressful couple weeks adjusting to being away from home and all the hustle bustle of school but I wanted to know if anyone has any tips of what I can do to still dedicate myself to school and dedicate myself to overcoming anxiety at the same time. I can't do one or the other, but I need to find a way to balance everything.... That is all for now.

02-10-2014, 04:49 AM
Congratulations lil miss college student!!! You seem to be doing very well so far!
