View Full Version : I'm getting messages from some randomer on Facebook?

Kyle Morgan
02-09-2014, 04:47 PM
For the past Month some randomer has been sending me messages, I haven't' really responded because I don't how to respond to her because all she is doing is sending pictures and asking how I am, I don't even know her in real life and I don't think she's from this forum. She doesn't even have a profile picture of herself and her name is Lisa. What should I do?

02-09-2014, 04:48 PM
For the past Month some randomer has been sending me messages, I haven't' really responded because I don't how to respond to her because all she is doing is sending pictures and asking how I am, I don't even know her in real life and I don't think she's from this forum. She doesn't even have a profile picture of herself and her name is Lisa. What should I do?

Ignore her. Delete her or report her. No woman is worth the hassle of being internet scammed

Kyle Morgan
02-09-2014, 04:57 PM
To be honest, I'm not even sure if she is a woman, people can just make fake accounts and pretend to be somebody else. I do ignore her, she's not asking persoanl things though, she just asks how I am, and sends me random pictures and smiley faces even though I don't know her haha

02-09-2014, 05:15 PM
Ignore her. Delete her or report her. No woman is worth the hassle of being internet scammed

Men don't think too often with their brain when it comes to women

Hard to push the "ignore" button I bet, huh Kyle?

02-09-2014, 05:21 PM
Block her :)

02-09-2014, 05:33 PM
I would just ignore her! I recently started getting suggestive FB messages from some girl in Brazil.....even though from my page you can see that im married, straight, with a couple of kids. Lol. I just ignored the messages.

Btw....my name is Lisa too, but I assure you that it wasn't me sending you messages on FB.

02-09-2014, 06:52 PM
I bet it's that dude that's been harassing you, pretending to be a woman so he can get 'dirt' on you...especially if you were to send her intimate pictures.

Kyle Morgan
02-09-2014, 10:07 PM
I bet it's that dude that's been harassing you, pretending to be a woman so he can get 'dirt' on you...especially if you were to send her intimate pictures.

To be honest with you, I wouldn't be surprised at all lol