View Full Version : stomach issue needing some help

02-09-2014, 01:36 PM
I have not had any anxiety for 3 days. Nothing. No depressed feeling. Living my life to the fullest. Except u woke up this am nauseated. And to be honest, it pisses me off. I wake up a few times a week feeling like this. Doc said I may have ibs and some gerd, gastritis but my thing its not everyday. It's only a few times a week. Before I went to bed I ate half of a nutty bar that has chocolate and peanut butter. Idk if this did it. But I'm really mad at myself. Cause Im Trying to move forward not back. :/ :/

02-09-2014, 02:50 PM
Hang in there. Don't let this set you back since you are doing so well!!!

02-09-2014, 03:21 PM
Hang in there. Don't let this set you back since you are doing so well!!!

Thank you!!!

02-09-2014, 08:43 PM
I have not had any anxiety for 3 days. Nothing. No depressed feeling. Living my life to the fullest. Except u woke up this am nauseated. And to be honest, it pisses me off. I wake up a few times a week feeling like this. Doc said I may have ibs and some gerd, gastritis but my thing its not everyday. It's only a few times a week. Before I went to bed I ate half of a nutty bar that has chocolate and peanut butter. Idk if this did it. But I'm really mad at myself. Cause Im Trying to move forward not back. :/ :/

I use to be like this, try avoiding chocolates or anything with caffeine before sleep. It use to give me a bitter taste and nauseated feeling in the morning also try to check what you had or did before that morning to find the cause of nausea. If you don't have any nausea meds i suggest you get some from your doctor. Good luck