View Full Version : Can't accept the anxiety...

02-09-2014, 12:09 PM
I've read alot of posts here about how to overcome your anxiety. Or at least how to cope with it. And the first step is almost always "accept the anxiety". I just can't accept it and this is making everything much worse. I can't accept that I have a psychological problem. Ever since I was a kid, I've always had this expectation that I'm gonna have a perfect life. A perfect house, family, job etc. It was my dream and nothing would stop me from having it. But when this comes up, it feels like all my dreams has burned to ashes. I'm gonna go around with something on my mind always. Everytime I'm going to do something, I need to think of how it could affect me. How it could affect my anxiety. It's like a big obstacle/barrier in my life that I can't get through. I don't want to accept that I'm not going to have a succesful life. A happy life. The fact that I'm pretty young (19) only makes it worse. I had my whole life in front of me to enjoy and now I have to go through my whole life carrying this f*cking problem with me. This is what's causing my depression. Anyone else feel like this??

02-09-2014, 12:19 PM
What are you going to do to correct this problem???
How do you plan to take control instead of it controlling you???
It is a problem, but it can be corrected...adjusted, made better.
You're 19 and got another 70 years ahead of you..deal with this now.
Hoping, wishing, and or praying, will never make this go away...nor will it ever just vanish POOF!


02-09-2014, 12:21 PM
I've read alot of posts here about how to overcome your anxiety. Or at least how to cope with it. And the first step is almost always "accept the anxiety". I just can't accept it and this is making everything much worse. I can't accept that I have a psychological problem. Ever since I was a kid, I've always had this expectation that I'm gonna have a perfect life. A perfect house, family, job etc. It was my dream and nothing would stop me from having it. But when this comes up, it feels like all my dreams has burned to ashes. I'm gonna go around with something on my mind always. Everytime I'm going to do something, I need to think of how it could affect me. How it could affect my anxiety. It's like a big obstacle/barrier in my life that I can't get through. I don't want to accept that I'm not going to have a succesful life. A happy life. The fact that I'm pretty young (19) only makes it worse. I had my whole life in front of me to enjoy and now I have to go through my whole life carrying this f*cking problem with me. This is what's causing my depression. Anyone else feel like this??

I used to feel the same as you do now

I believe everyone has this idea what the perfect life would be like

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to have that dream world because that is how life is

Some ups and some downs are what cause you to build your character

You will alter your opinion as you move through life as to what "perfect" means

So you have an anxiety disorder. Something than can be overcome with a little patience and working towards healing

Somebody with late stage cancer will have a differing opinion of that their perfect life would be

Going through this will make you strong. Much stronger than you would have been otherwise

You will use that strength to do things that you wouldn't have been able to do without this journey

Stop dwelling on the way you were or what you wish you didn't have

This is where you are now and wishing or feeling sorry for yourself has never fixed anyone with anxiety

You're 19 with some really cool stuff ahead of you

Focus moving forward and not wishing for the past.

You really will get there

02-09-2014, 12:27 PM
What are you going to do to correct this problem???
How do you plan to take control instead of it controlling you???
It is a problem, but it can be corrected...adjusted, made better.
You're 19 and got another 70 years ahead of you..deal with this now.
Hoping, wishing, and or praying, will never make this go away...nor will it ever just vanish POOF!


I don't think I'm going to be able to correct this. Anxiety can't and won't disappear. It'll be in my life forever. I'm trying to learn how to cope with it and it seems like it's going good. But it will always be there. Kind of like having a disease like asthma. You know you need your inhalator to treat it for the moment. But it will always be there, a problem that you'll carry though-out your life.

02-09-2014, 12:29 PM
I don't think I'm going to be able to correct this. Anxiety can't and won't disappear. It'll be in my life forever. I'm trying to learn how to cope with it and it seems like it's going good. But it will always be there. Kind of like having a disease like asthma. You know you need your inhalator to treat it for the moment. But it will always be there, a problem that you'll carry though-out your life.

Thinking that way will reward you with exactly what you are expecting

02-09-2014, 12:36 PM
I used to feel the same as you do now

I believe everyone has this idea what the perfect life would be like

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to have that dream world because that is how life is

Some ups and some downs are what cause you to build your character

You will alter your opinion as you move through life as to what "perfect" means

So you have an anxiety disorder. Something than can be overcome with a little patience and working towards healing

Somebody with late stage cancer will have a differing opinion of that their perfect life would be

Going through this will make you strong. Much stronger than you would have been otherwise

You will use that strength to do things that you wouldn't have been able to do without this journey

Stop dwelling on the way you were or what you wish you didn't have

This is where you are now and wishing or feeling sorry for yourself has never fixed anyone with anxiety

You're 19 with some really cool stuff ahead of you

Focus moving forward and not wishing for the past.

You really will get there

Ah, thank you Nixon! I've never looked at it from that perspective. This anxiety thing came like "BOOM!!" into my life. It's hard to accept it right now. But hopefully I will sooner or later.

02-09-2014, 12:40 PM
I used to feel the same as you do now

I believe everyone has this idea what the perfect life would be like

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to have that dream world because that is how life is

Some ups and some downs are what cause you to build your character

You will alter your opinion as you move through life as to what "perfect" means

So you have an anxiety disorder. Something than can be overcome with a little patience and working towards healing

Somebody with late stage cancer will have a differing opinion of that their perfect life would be

Going through this will make you strong. Much stronger than you would have been otherwise

You will use that strength to do things that you wouldn't have been able to do without this journey

Stop dwelling on the way you were or what you wish you didn't have

This is where you are now and wishing or feeling sorry for yourself has never fixed anyone with anxiety

You're 19 with some really cool stuff ahead of you

Focus moving forward and not wishing for the past.

You really will get there

Awesome posts brotha Nixon!


02-09-2014, 12:42 PM
hey man if this is taking too long you should take a med or start something else a therapy maybe.i thought i would make it on my own but i needed meds.at least i do a lot of things now than before. also calm down man.i used to think that too. i dont know how i even made my exams in that condition but i did and got good results. i used to run half asleep and with anxiety sky high, i even drive my car, have sex and a lot of things even though i doubt everything. two choices go on or fall down. i choose the first. fight for yourself.

02-09-2014, 12:48 PM
i am also struggling with stupid thoughts but i always keep my head up even though i get worried or write at this forum about them. i still find some courage. see the point is that i really want to get out of this thing and i will sooner or later just like u will too.

02-09-2014, 12:49 PM
hey man if this is taking too long you should take a med or start something else a therapy maybe.i thought i would make it on my own but i needed meds.at least i do a lot of things now than before. also calm down man.i used to think that too. i dont know how i even made my exams in that condition but i did and got good results. i used to run half asleep and with anxiety sky high, i even drive my car, have sex and a lot of things even though i doubt everything. two choices go on or fall down. i choose the first. fight for yourself.

I'm not having problem with the anxiety itself, I'm having troubles accepting that this is going to affect me through my whole life. Like, everytime I'm going to do something, I have to think "I can't do this and that". And why me? Look at everyone else in my age having fun while I'm sitting here trying to find ways to cope with the d*mn thing. This is making me depressed as f*ck.

02-09-2014, 12:50 PM
I kinda feel like a pensioner..

02-09-2014, 12:58 PM
I'm not having problem with the anxiety itself, I'm having troubles accepting that this is going to affect me through my whole life. Like, everytime I'm going to do something, I have to think "I can't do this and that". And why me? Look at everyone else in my age having fun while I'm sitting here trying to find ways to cope with the d*mn thing. This is making me depressed as f*ck.

hey i havent been going out at a night club for 2 months now for example but i dont mind. start slow, dont think big. step by step. it was i time that i thought i never will sleep again but i slept. see everything seems impossible but it is not. i thought i cant read coz i cant remember.truth is that when the exam came i wrote down all the things. or i even made a complex presentation in front of my class. one night before i tried to avoid it but i took courage and made it. i felt so good. we are like others. we can enjoy life like others. stoo diferentating yourself like this

02-09-2014, 01:04 PM
hey i havent been going out at a night club for 2 months now for example but i dont mind. start slow, dont think big. step by step. it was i time that i thought i never will sleep again but i slept. see everything seems impossible but it is not. i thought i cant read coz i cant remember.truth is that when the exam came i wrote down all the things. or i even made a complex presentation in front of my class. one night before i tried to avoid it but i took courage and made it. i felt so good. we are like others. we can enjoy life like others. stoo diferentating yourself like this

Thank you man, you're an inspiration! I'm about to take my driver license soon and it's worrying me that I'm going to fail because of this. Hopefully I won't!

02-09-2014, 01:08 PM
hey man me and you are on the exact same boat.i have some other bad things and i had some other bad things but pretty much we feel lost. and that is disturbing to us. see i drove yesterday with heavy rain, couldnt see a damn thing because my countries roads have no lights and i drove like a master.oh i must add a constant stupid worry on my head. see things are not hard as they look.

02-09-2014, 03:17 PM
I've read alot of posts here about how to overcome your anxiety. Or at least how to cope with it. And the first step is almost always "accept the anxiety". I just can't accept it and this is making everything much worse. I can't accept that I have a psychological problem. Ever since I was a kid, I've always had this expectation that I'm gonna have a perfect life. A perfect house, family, job etc. It was my dream and nothing would stop me from having it. But when this comes up, it feels like all my dreams has burned to ashes. I'm gonna go around with something on my mind always. Everytime I'm going to do something, I need to think of how it could affect me. How it could affect my anxiety. It's like a big obstacle/barrier in my life that I can't get through. I don't want to accept that I'm not going to have a succesful life. A happy life. The fact that I'm pretty young (19) only makes it worse. I had my whole life in front of me to enjoy and now I have to go through my whole life carrying this f*cking problem with me. This is what's causing my depression. Anyone else feel like this??

You are very wise and insightful. You don't have a problem with depression or anxiety nearly as big as your "block" resistance to the fact. You're going to do great, and probably quicker than most of us have, but let me tell you this, acceptance is hard, but a must. The longest trip I ever took was from my head (intellect) to my heart (feeling). I bet you judged people like us before huh? See we can't judge anyone without it beginning in the mirror, otherwise we would never recognize anything in others. Stop judging you, comparing you to another. Just accept and be you, all others are already taken anyway. Sooner you "own " it the person responsible for fixing it will get busy, that be you.

Peace friend.

02-09-2014, 03:21 PM
I'm not having problem with the anxiety itself, I'm having troubles accepting that this is going to affect me through my whole life. Like, everytime I'm going to do something, I have to think "I can't do this and that". And why me? Look at everyone else in my age having fun while I'm sitting here trying to find ways to cope with the d*mn thing. This is making me depressed as f*ck.


Firstly and most importantly I would like to clarify just because u have this anxiety disorder this doesn't mean you always will. One thing that will make you have it for a long time is not understanding it. Just the though process of saying "I will always have this" cements it into your brain it's like how can u throw a ball without letting go.

Secondly I'm 18 and I know exactly how u feel. I'm looking at my friends and the girls they are sleeping with, the drugs they taking the great times they are having while I am not. Yes this makes me so angry and depressed and even more anxious. I'm not gonna lie I don't have a solution. But the only thing that let's me hold on to hope is the thought I might not always be like this. And one day

.... One day..

I MAY become happy

kelly wild
02-09-2014, 04:09 PM
I have severe anxiety. Takes over my mind. I hyperventalate without realising
I then get pibs and needles in face
Feel lije im gonna pass out then go into panic. Fidgity feeling sick cant sit still
Cant relax. Body get exausted wants to shut down but mind still awake
Aches and pains all the time. Im suffering really bad. Sonetimes im fine for weeks then it just happens.
Think caffeine and over tired makes it worse. But I wish to be normal
What are everyone elses symtoms

02-09-2014, 04:45 PM
You are very wise and insightful. You don't have a problem with depression or anxiety nearly as big as your "block" resistance to the fact. You're going to do great, and probably quicker than most of us have, but let me tell you this, acceptance is hard, but a must. The longest trip I ever took was from my head (intellect) to my heart (feeling). I bet you judged people like us before huh? See we can't judge anyone without it beginning in the mirror, otherwise we would never recognize anything in others. Stop judging you, comparing you to another. Just accept and be you, all others are already taken anyway. Sooner you "own " it the person responsible for fixing it will get busy, that be you.

Peace friend.

Wise words man. You basically explained my whole situation.

Yeah, I kind of judged people who had anxiety. I thought that they weren't rational/smart. Especielly men. I always thought that they were "cowards" and that they should "man" up. Now I realize that I was a fool and that everyone that has and live with anxiety is the real man. I've learned a lesson indeed.

02-09-2014, 05:55 PM
It's a realization that brings compassion. I thought the same, those "other" people are nuts! LOL Little did I know. If I had this forum back then man I would have fell on my face and begged to join. I thought I was alone, people in my family had problems but were quiet about it all. Hiding makes it worse and kids know, they can feel it in parents. Parents think their not letting kids in on it stops them from feeling it WRONG! It just leads to more denial. Denial is more than a river in Egypt ya know. :D

You're in a safe place, we all love and care for one another, and yep I said that, and I'm a hell of a man to me. LOL Felt good to say that, but fun too. Peace Bro