View Full Version : New job, anxiety off the scale...need advice!

02-09-2014, 09:45 AM
Ok, so I ended up dropping all the classes I was trying to take and just focus on my new job. The problem is it turned out to be way more stressful than I thought it would be and I'm freaking out on a daily basis. It's been so bad that I have to talk myself out of quitting every day! I need to work but when the anxiety gets bad, I want to do anything I can to make it better like running away from work and never going back! I've tried all my coping skills but the anxiety is so bad my skills don't help at all. The only thing that makes the anxiety better is taking ativan, which would be ok except I'm now taking 3 times the original dose to get any relief.
I figure I will give it a couple more weeks, but if the anxiety stays this high, I may end up having to quit...any advice anyone?

02-09-2014, 10:03 AM
You need something more than Ativan friend..You need to add in an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med like (sertraline) then you'll be on the road to success!! Therapy would be of great assistance to you too....plus taking 3 times what the Doc has ordered is going to put you in a reallllllyyyy tough spot when you run out because they're limited to a 30 day supply.


02-09-2014, 10:27 AM
You need something more than Ativan friend..You need to add in an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med like (sertraline) then you'll be on the road to success!! Therapy would be of great assistance to you too....plus taking 3 times what the Doc has ordered is going to put you in a reallllllyyyy tough spot when you run out because they're limited to a 30 day supply.


When I told my doc about the anxiety, he just increased the ativan and said the remeron I'm on should help with anxiety. Weelllll, maybe it should but it doesn't feel like it! LOL

02-09-2014, 10:46 AM
Well shit Remeron is friggin awesome!!! Yes, it WILL!!! I think Stacy is taking that too I should check her newest post to see how she's doing...:)