View Full Version : can anyone help me please

02-09-2014, 08:17 AM
Im really panicing as ive got this pain in the centre of my breasts well just below it :( it really hurts please anyone can you put my mind at ease please :(

02-09-2014, 08:22 AM
It's reflux...the same as it always is and you're how far along???...You already know you're fine Sazzzz...

We're here for ya!


02-09-2014, 08:31 AM
It's reflux...the same as it always is and you're how far along???...You already know you're fine Sazzzz...

We're here for ya!


Thank you its just a werid new pain and it hurts wen i touch there... thank you for commenting tho i am really greatful for all the help on hear

02-09-2014, 09:04 AM
I get them allllll the time Sazzz....they come, they go,...no big deal friend. Ignore it.


02-09-2014, 09:07 AM
I think ive been having reflux. It feels almost like a burning feeling in my chest....is that what it feels like? Its not painful....just feels a little different. ....I need to try a tums maybe?

02-09-2014, 09:12 AM
Yup..its reflux Trin..
You need to get some medication for GER to stop it but tums will sometimes soothe that too.
Try them first, if it goes away (it will) then its just reflux...the "burn" in the chest area.


El Lukio
02-09-2014, 09:29 AM
Definitely reflux/gastric related. I've been suffering for months with it. Like a burning, gnawing pain centre of abdomen. Whatever you do, don't Google symptoms as you'll end up like me thinking it's worse than what it is when it is just reflux. Yet another physical manifestation of anxiety. Try antacid tabs or something like ranitidine (which you can get OTC in the UK) or see your Doc and they'll most likely prescribe Omeprazole.

On this topic, has anyone used Organic Cider Vinegar for gastric issues? Apparently it works wonders for the natural gut bacteria.

02-09-2014, 09:38 AM
My cousin Mike swears by the vinegar but let me tell you, it will eat the enamel off of your teeth in just a matter of a few weeks if you don't brush, rinse afterwards..
I was on a stupid vinegar/oil kick on my salads everyday a few years back and in 3 weeks, I was at the dentist needing $600 in repairs to the enamel on the teeth after never having a tooth issue in 40 years prior. Be careful bro! It had exposed the nerves in my teeth at one area...I learned the hard way! grrrr
You may also try (L-Glutamine) as it is also great for the natural gut bacteria control...:)

El Lukio
02-09-2014, 11:02 AM
My cousin Mike swears by the vinegar but let me tell you, it will eat the enamel off of your teeth in just a matter of a few weeks if you don't brush, rinse afterwards.. I was on a stupid vinegar/oil kick on my salads everyday a few years back and in 3 weeks, I was at the dentist needing $600 in repairs to the enamel on the teeth after never having a tooth issue in 40 years prior. Be careful bro! It had exposed the nerves in my teeth at one area...I learned the hard way! grrrr You may also try (L-Glutamine) as it is also great for the natural gut bacteria control...:)

Of course, the acid is gonna annihilate the old gnashers. Never occurred to me before. I haven't taken any for a while but may avoid now. I've got private dental but I ain't gonna risk it!

I've heard L-glutamine thrown around quite a bit on here. Is it good? I'm on magnesium and B12 complex.

02-09-2014, 11:08 AM
The last thing you think you need is more acid (vinegar) but it will work completely. Apple cider vinegar and honey. Do not get on teeth as much as possible or brush after to neutralize it. L-glutamine Oh my god, E-Man that stuff is awesome (on empty stomach only), anxiety sadness gone day 4. Same for my son. Thanks Peace

02-09-2014, 11:20 AM
Very welcome brother Gene!!
Yes @ El Lukio the L-Glutamine may just be the ticket for you like is has been for Gene and his Son too!!
You might also think about adding in some (calcium, vit D) along with that magnesium as I believe that magnesium will draw calcium from the body in order to be digested and utilized AND the vit D is always helpful for that gloomy mood too.. Glutamine is an under rated Power Punch for anxiety and depressive symptoms also for the digestive health too... :)

El Lukio
02-09-2014, 11:36 AM
Very welcome brother Gene!! Yes @ El Lukio the L-Glutamine may just be the ticket for you like is has been for Gene and his Son too!! You might also think about adding in some (calcium, vit D) along with that magnesium as I believe that magnesium will draw calcium from the body in order to be digested and utilized AND the vit D is always helpful for that gloomy mood too.. Glutamine is an under rated Power Punch for anxiety and depressive symptoms also for the digestive health too... :)

I take a multivitamin too which has vit D in there. Only thing I'm lacking is calcium as I don't take milk in my coffee or tea or eat cereal very often. May get some calcium tablets as well then.

So, it'll be:

Vit B complex
Multi vitamin

Thanks guys :)

02-09-2014, 11:55 AM
Try to find some calcium WITH additional Vit D in it...like 1000iu's to 2000iu's... and be sure to get L-Glutamine and not the Glutamate....You'll be set then bruh!