View Full Version : The dark clouds are gathering

Lord Jazzinho
02-09-2014, 03:38 AM
I haven't visited the forum for a week now as many things have been going wrong and keeping me busy. Me and my mother live on welfare benefits and they have have started to come after us to get us working now seeing as we both had to be trained to do dialysis at home this is a bit of a worry, to top this off after my mothers assessment they have told her that her benefit will stop in 2 weeks. We have also had a scare with our cat which is a definite trigger for me and for about 2 weeks I've not seen anyone else because my cousin is sick with a bad cold, this has stopped the momentum we had with our ventures and those ventures are my positive focus. So you would think that with all of that I'm writing this post to talk about how I'm falling back in to chronic anxiety. Well the short answer is NO! I flatly refuse anxiety now-a-days, I refuse to allow it any space in my head yeah sure I felt a bit down in the dumps for a couple of days and Wednesday and Thursday were particularly s**t but that motivated me do come to the decisions I have about how to handle it. This was not a relapse, not even a challenge, It was just a bump in the road. Refuse anxiety every time it is offered to you. lol Just say no!

02-09-2014, 07:53 AM
YES!!! Bump in the road of life,..how to handle it. Dude!! You got this!
We all hope it works out and gets better for you bruh..


Lord Jazzinho
02-09-2014, 08:54 AM
YES!!! Bump in the road of life,..how to handle it. Dude!! You got this!
We all hope it works out and gets better for you bruh..


Cheers mate hope things are good for you to :). It will pick up tho I'll make sure of it. Refuse anxiety and never let life bully you!

02-09-2014, 09:00 AM
Cheers brah!! I like this attitude and spirit man....I live each day just like this even though life throws me plates of s**t!! :)

Lord Jazzinho
02-10-2014, 06:29 AM
Cheers brah!! I like this attitude and spirit man....I live each day just like this even though life throws me plates of s**t!! :)

Its the only way mate