View Full Version : Feeling sad and let down... :'(

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 02:16 AM
I wish some people would consider being a tad less egotistical and more compassionate....
Especially one who knows you're in a rough place... Blahhhhhh
Namastè <3

02-09-2014, 02:20 AM
I had the same thing happen to me today. But I vented, then I felt better. Mine was some passive/aggressive remarks from someone who's supposed to be a friend. I hate passive/aggressive behavior. It's like someone's being nice just waiting for a chance to stick a knife in you.

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 02:25 AM
I had the same thing happen to me today. But I vented, then I felt better. Mine was some passive/aggressive remarks from someone who's supposed to be a friend. I hate passive/aggressive behavior. It's like someone's being nice just waiting for a chance to stick a knife in you.

Thats my exact feeling! You think you can trust a person... And being set up to feel like shit is so fucked up :'(

02-09-2014, 02:33 AM
It is, but you know what? I called it out and said I was dealing with enough shit and trying to pick myself up without the added back-handed bullshit. I told them I didn't appreciate the comments and that I could hang with lots of people who don't pull that crap to feed their own egos. I think I made my point. If not, I don't give a damn if the friendship continues. I'm a supportive person to everyone I care about, even to strangers. I expect the same courtesy. Can't abide by that? Then walk the hell out of my life.

02-09-2014, 02:40 AM
I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes people just really suck. :(

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 02:52 AM
It is, but you know what? I called it out and said I was dealing with enough shit and trying to pick myself up without the added back-handed bullshit. I told them I didn't appreciate the comments and that I could hang with lots of people who don't pull that crap to feed their own egos. I think I made my point. If not, I don't give a damn if the friendship continues. I'm a supportive person to everyone I care about, even to strangers. I expect the same courtesy. Can't abide by that? Then walk the hell out of my life.

I agree!! This specific person just took my vulnerability as a joke i guess.. Which is kinda sad, as it is a person whom has suffered the same thing i am going through! I thought we were pretty good friends just to embarrassed and kind or ridiculed in my opinion..
Why are most people such fucking PRICKS?!?!
I find as do my friends and family to be the most compassionate person but yet get taken advantage of..
It shouldn't bug me as much as it is but it is :'(
I take in trolls and ogres everyday (Animal advocate) but someone you thought was a fucking friend and knows so much about you..
Ugh i'm just so sad :'(
Thank you for the kind and inspiring words jLBnole68 :)

02-09-2014, 07:43 AM
I had a bad employer in my last job where I came from. This guy was a wildlife biologist at a remote station and apparently he didn't have time or patience for anyone or anything he didn't like. It seemed that he immediately decided when he met me, that he didn't like me. Though I was nothing but courteous and nice to him, for whatever reasons - I guess because I was very sociable and perhaps from the way I dressed (from the city) or my age or, whatever...he just had it out for me, Everything I did was wrong. I couldn't do anything right. We'd be walking to a truck in silence, anything I said was a bother.....I was a nuisance- You could tell he had no respect for anyone, that he didn't like. He'd get in and sort of slam the door, sitting there ready to go in a purposely constructed awkward silence as if to make you feel like "hurry up get in shut up and , you're taking too long ...I have no respect for you" kind of deal. You'd say hi and smile and he'd just ignore it. I was stationed at this place and put up with this - pretending like none of it was happening, because I was trying to make the best of the situation and, honestly didn't know how else to be. I put up with it for all of 2 months before I quit, and had to leave. My blood started to boil every time I saw him. Because I took the other angle and tried to just be really nice and affable, even though I was getting treated like shit everyday, in hopes that it would overcome the day. It seemed to make him hate me even more, and I just became madder. It is very hard to work for and next to someone that decides he/she doesn't like you. It becomes very uncomfortable and hostile. I had to leave because I just couldn't stay in a work environment like that, feeling so condescended and uncomfortable each day and told him I was quitting. He said to me " I expected that" in a sort of rote way, which really pissed me off but actually just ended up making him just look really stupid. It was among the worst work experiences I've had in my life, and the worst experiences I've ever had with another human being.i don't know why I said this, just thought I'd give my own experience. So e people just really fucking suck as people. I truly had to weigh my options. I could've stayed there and stuck it out, but it would've been absolutely miserable. I think I made the right choice. No one deserves to have to be treated like that. I'll never forget he also casually said to me as we were walking after he tried to tell me how to do bird banding correctly, after which I didn't give him the satisfaction...he said "you have a real problem with authority, don't you" and sort of laughed to himself, in a passive aggressive way. After that I just let him have it. I should've told him to go fuck himself, in retrospect I should have. But I ended up once again trying to reason with someone that had no zero respect for me. I explained that I didn't feel I was respected, etc. But like I said it was useless bc. He already decided he didn't like me so it was like putting myself stupidly in a vulnerable position in trying to reconcile. Talk about vulnerable. .. I hated every experience of that job and it's scarred me for life. To make matters worse I had this roommate (who just so happens was a best butt buddy of the field biologist, and a practiced- to be, government brown noser), we lived in a trailer together, and this guy was just extremely socially awkward and antisocial, it was like nails on a chalkboard to keep a conversation going with him, we were constantly in each others way and attempts at breaking the ice or just making the situation live able and workable fell flat on the floor. Not to mention he was the biggest slob in the entire world. It was an SITUATION. after 1 week there I already wanted out, and was counting down the days. I guess the moral of the story is people suck, and really scope out and choose your work situations carefully, before you just walk into something. I was really mad I had to quit there, it's been months after that and I Still don't have a job.. My life's been very, very hard.