View Full Version : Xanax and alcohol... Freaking out

02-09-2014, 02:06 AM
Okay so tonight I went out and had 4 or so drinks probably had the last drink around 1... I came home and was feeling really anxious so I took .5 mgs of Xanax and now I am freaking out because after I googled to make sure it was okay (I know I know Google is evil) and people are posting about how terrible that is for you to mix the 2 and all these horrible things that can happen like a 2 day coma, possibly even death!? I am so freaked out. Has anyone combined the 2? I'm so nervous now :( it's making me feel worse because I'm so scared

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 02:13 AM
Okay so tonight I went out and had 4 or so drinks probably had the last drink around 1... I came home and was feeling really anxious so I took .5 mgs of Xanax and now I am freaking out because after I googled to make sure it was okay (I know I know Google is evil) and people are posting about how terrible that is for you to mix the 2 and all these horrible things that can happen like a 2 day coma, possibly even death!? I am so freaked out. Has anyone combined the 2? I'm so nervous now :( it's making me feel worse because I'm so scared

Drinking wine and have had 3 Xanax... Its all fine my friend.... Mixing Xanax with other drugs can be dangerous! But a few drinks n a Xanax is not a problem! :)

02-09-2014, 02:16 AM
3 Xanax? Wow. I would be sleeping for a couple of days. 1/2 of a Xanax puts me out. I must be a lightweight. Lol! Seriously leah, you'll be fine. Don't freak out. Just get some rest.

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 02:31 AM
3 Xanax? Wow. I would be sleeping for a couple of days. 1/2 of a Xanax puts me out. I must be a lightweight. Lol! Seriously leah, you'll be fine. Don't freak out. Just get some rest.

I'm a washed up rockstar ;) Takes a lot to take me down! Lmao.. I do not take this all the time.. But feeling as i do from my other post.. I needed it..
You will be just fine Leah... One tab will have you sleep like a log..
I'd say baby but they have messed up schedules lol!
Chat anytime if you're overwhelmed! Xx

02-09-2014, 02:50 AM
Thank you to the both of you! JLB- I am like you, .25 or .50 knocks me out too! Unfortunately after reading all these horror stories online I forced myself to sit up and stay awake because my thought process was DO NOT LET YOURSELF FALL ASLEEP. YOU WILL NEVER WAKE UP. YOU WILL DIE. So instead of sleeping I am just sitting here - cranky, cold and really frigging tired while
watching infomercials. So that's lovely lol

But seriously thanks for the support. It may just seem like a silly reply but it means so much to me that people take the time to try and make me feel better and actually understand the way my brain worries instead of just telling me to relax because I'm crazy. It's nice to know there's people who get it. <3

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 02:57 AM
Thank you to the both of you! JLB- I am like you, .25 or .50 knocks me out too! Unfortunately after reading all these horror stories online I forced myself to sit up and stay awake because my thought process was DO NOT LET YOURSELF FALL ASLEEP. YOU WILL NEVER WAKE UP. YOU WILL DIE. So instead of sleeping I am just sitting here - cranky, cold and really frigging tired while
watching infomercials. So that's lovely lol

But seriously thanks for the support. It may just seem like a silly reply but it means so much to me that people take the time to try and make me feel better and actually understand the way my brain worries instead of just telling me to relax because I'm crazy. It's nice to know there's people who get it. <3

Please stop worrying hun!! You will be just fine and don't read internet med info!!! Worst thing ever!!
If you do Heroin and Xanax or Coke and Xanax, that can cause death!
Not everything on the internet is true!
In all honestly i'd take another and sleep well <3
They are meant to calm and relax you not make you anxious! Or even just another half of one! I promise you will be just fine !!

02-09-2014, 05:31 AM
Xanax and alcohol is dangerous, as it causes respiratory depression when taken in LARGE amounts. Taking one Xanax with a few drinks is not something that is going to kill you. I often get patients (I work in ED) who have intentionally overdosed on 10+ Xanax or Valium with a bottle of wine, and we usually just let them sleep it off (whilst being monitored) but it's very rare for them to need any treatment. Just go to sleep comfortably, you will be fine x x

02-09-2014, 11:51 PM
Thanks again everyone :) I woke up lol so I live to see another day!

02-10-2014, 07:57 AM
In truth google is neutral, not evil, as if that exists. It's when we attach ourselves to what we see there that cause difficulties. Information is not knowledge, this is a big confusion today.

Knowledge is when you personally intentionally take Xanax, and drink alcohol, and wake up, that is something you now know right? Until then it was only information you read and after the fact.

LOL Why do we do something knowing it may make us anxious or harm us? That's a big big question. It's rhetorical too. Do you deserve to suffer in your mind? As sad as it sounds guilt brings

about lots of destructive behavior, and we may not even be aware of our own self hate. It's (guilt) is one of the major factors in mental illness today. Truth is you're not guilty, but you may feel

you are, and not even realize this. Denial is more than a river in Egypt. :D Glad you awoke, Hey I have awoke several times to my amazement, but thankfully I seen something had to

give. How far do you want to take it? How much can YOU take? I advise not to test it if you want to live free, and sane. Peace

02-10-2014, 11:07 AM
Okay so tonight I went out and had 4 or so drinks probably had the last drink around 1... I came home and was feeling really anxious so I took .5 mgs of Xanax and now I am freaking out because after I googled to make sure it was okay (I know I know Google is evil) and people are posting about how terrible that is for you to mix the 2 and all these horrible things that can happen like a 2 day coma, possibly even death!? I am so freaked out. Has anyone combined the 2? I'm so nervous now :( it's making me feel worse because I'm so scared

Not too proud of it but I alternate drinking with Xanax or Ambien (pretty bad to drink and take either one) but i've done it enough times to know that i'm not dead yet, lol.
I just drank about 6 beers and took 2 1mg pill's of Xanax last night and I woke up this morning. I hope you're fine too which i'm sure you are but try not to sweat it too much, and DEFINITELY don't google what would happen.. Good Luck!