View Full Version : Just an update.

02-08-2014, 09:54 PM
He last few days have been so hard for me. I literally was afraid to go to sleep because I didn't think I would wake up. I have been in constant panic. Not just panic attacks. It's been fearful thoughts and grogginess all day for a week. Along with a fast beating heart when trying to sleep, shaking, couldn't catch my breath. Today hasn't been perfect, but I think I'm making progress. There have been moments of clarity today. Times where I've felt hope and like everything will be alright in time. I still felt like a zombie all day, but I've made progress. And I hope to make more progress tomorrow. I just joined this forum yesterday. And it has been amazing. I plan to stay here even when my anxiety is gone so I can help anyone who needs it. I'm by no means cured. I still have a long way to go. I still have thoughts about dying in my sleep or dying from some disease. But it's not all day long. I'm getting somewhere.