View Full Version : Worried

02-08-2014, 09:05 PM
I have suffered from anxiety, but thought I had it under control. I have been noticing, lately, that I have been getting more dizzy spells. It almost feels like my blood sugar is low, but it is not. I eat, and sometimes feel like that causes an anxiety or adrenaline boost. My arms also have been feeling tingly after I eat. I have been exercising, mostly lifting weights, but cardio seemed to help me more (tough to run in the winter). I was wondering of anyone else experiences the same symptoms?

02-08-2014, 11:02 PM
Yes I get a lot of dizziness and very odd feelings in my head.

02-09-2014, 02:44 AM
I get the dizziness and tingly feeling a lot of the time. It's strange because it seems like it's happening for no reason, but your body can tell when you're nervous even before you realize you are which is why it sometimes does these weird things to us. Nothing to worry about :)

02-09-2014, 03:30 AM
I get the dizziness and tingly feeling a lot of the time. It's strange because it seems like it's happening for no reason, but your body can tell when you're nervous even before you realize you are which is why it sometimes does these weird things to us. Nothing to worry about :)

How would you describe your tingly feeling??

02-09-2014, 04:56 AM
I get the tingling in my head which is odd and scares me!!

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 05:19 AM
I get the tingling in my head which is odd and scares me!!

I get it in my face hun.. Its just another yucky symptom of anxieties ugly game!
Just remember it's a physical symptom of an overactive nervous system.... Things have become overwhelming and you body reacts in a fight or flight mode! I know it's hard but this is the truth.. Try to find a comedy to watch something that can make you laugh!
I'm here rooting for and with you!!
FB anytime.. Terre Nova i have an animals rights hoodie on my background pic and me in grey n black photo :)

02-09-2014, 03:28 PM
I get it in my face hun.. Its just another yucky symptom of anxieties ugly game! Just remember it's a physical symptom of an overactive nervous system.... Things have become overwhelming and you body reacts in a fight or flight mode! I know it's hard but this is the truth.. Try to find a comedy to watch something that can make you laugh! I'm here rooting for and with you!! FB anytime.. Terre Nova i have an animals rights hoodie on my background pic and me in grey n black photo :)

I get tingling in my face but I also get these weird sensations I can beat describe as some sort of head rush. It's hard to explain.. I can be sitting at dinner then it starts and I feel kind of drunk and feel like if I move my head I feel dizzy and weird. It freaks me out so much

02-09-2014, 04:33 PM
I have suffered from anxiety, but thought I had it under control. I have been noticing, lately, that I have been getting more dizzy spells. It almost feels like my blood sugar is low, but it is not. I eat, and sometimes feel like that causes an anxiety or adrenaline boost. My arms also have been feeling tingly after I eat. I have been exercising, mostly lifting weights, but cardio seemed to help me more (tough to run in the winter). I was wondering of anyone else experiences the same symptoms?

I had dizziness and light headedness for years. I saw doctors, and no one knew why, some said maybe hyoglucemia, or anemia, but nothing tested that way. Finally one doctor suggested it was anxiety and I once I knew that, I somehow made it go away and hasn't been back since. It used to happen to me even when I thought I was not stressed or anxious at all and sometimes it was so bad it felt like the room was spinning. So don't fear, it is anxiety. Make yourself believe that and you can control it.
I do also get tinglyness from time to time in my hands or arms and during panic attacks it can even consume my whole body. Nothing to worry about.

02-09-2014, 04:41 PM
I had dizziness and light headedness for years. I saw doctors, and no one knew why, some said maybe hyoglucemia, or anemia, but nothing tested that way. Finally one doctor suggested it was anxiety and I once I knew that, I somehow made it go away and hasn't been back since. It used to happen to me even when I thought I was not stressed or anxious at all and sometimes it was so bad it felt like the room was spinning. So don't fear, it is anxiety. Make yourself believe that and you can control it. I do also get tinglyness from time to time in my hands or arms and during panic attacks it can even consume my whole body. Nothing to worry about.

Oh my goodness this is me. I have been feeling lightheaded and off balance for 2 years. I feel like I will pass out but never do. Ive had all blood tests and was even sent to an ENT who specialises in brain tumour sand he said it's anxiety but I still can't believe it!!!

02-09-2014, 04:54 PM
Oh my goodness this is me. I have been feeling lightheaded and off balance for 2 years. I feel like I will pass out but never do. Ive had all blood tests and was even sent to an ENT who specialises in brain tumour sand he said it's anxiety but I still can't believe it!!!

Yes the off balance thing for sure. I went to an audiologist to see if it was something to do with my ears, perhaps menieres disease because I also have bad tinnitus, something that is worsened by anxiety but the result I think of playing loud music for years. It's anxiety though, and it isn't forever. As I said, I do not experience this anymore. You'll get there. Just realize that your anxiety is causing it. Good luck!

02-09-2014, 05:27 PM
I also get this bad head rush, head pressure and pressure behind my eyes that I scare myself thinking I am going to pass out. Have had it for 2 years now and nothing has happened. I wished I'd get a CT Scan done :(

02-09-2014, 05:50 PM
I also get this bad head rush, head pressure and pressure behind my eyes that I scare myself thinking I am going to pass out. Have had it for 2 years now and nothing has happened. I wished I'd get a CT Scan done :(

Yep exact same here!!! It's the scariest sensation

02-09-2014, 05:51 PM
Yes the off balance thing for sure. I went to an audiologist to see if it was something to do with my ears, perhaps menieres disease because I also have bad tinnitus, something that is worsened by anxiety but the result I think of playing loud music for years. It's anxiety though, and it isn't forever. As I said, I do not experience this anymore. You'll get there. Just realize that your anxiety is causing it. Good luck!

Thank you. It's so hard to believe it's anxiety and stress as it happens all the time even when I think I'm not anxious

j brown
02-09-2014, 08:40 PM
Every time I think I have mine under control it seems to come back . I get the tingling in my hands in feet at times, or if I eat a heavy meal my heart tends to faster and I get stronger palpitations. When I work out and do cardio it seems to help me.

02-10-2014, 12:12 AM
Every time I think I have mine under control it seems to come back . I get the tingling in my hands in feet at times, or if I eat a heavy meal my heart tends to faster and I get stronger palpitations. When I work out and do cardio it seems to help me.

I get the same exact things as you :( it sucks... I've tried yoga and that doesn't seem to work maybe I'll try cardio!

02-10-2014, 12:20 AM
Every time I think I have mine under control it seems to come back . I get the tingling in my hands in feet at times, or if I eat a heavy meal my heart tends to faster and I get stronger palpitations. When I work out and do cardio it seems to help me.

I get the same exact things as you :( it sucks... I've tried yoga and that doesn't seem to work maybe I'll try cardio!

02-10-2014, 04:25 AM
Yep exact same here!!! It's the scariest sensation

Yes it is! Sometimes I don't even wanna get up from my bed because that's the only time my head isn't feeling odd. It's like everyday, as soon as I wake up, I know how I'm gonna feel and it sucks! I used to take medication and that's the only time it went away and I felt normal. My husband gives me neck massages with this Icy Hot ointment I got @ Target. It does help some what. Maybe you should try it? :)

02-10-2014, 04:28 AM
Thank you. It's so hard to believe it's anxiety and stress as it happens all the time even when I think I'm not anxious

Also, how do you feel about rotating your head around or back and forth? For me, it's a bit painful. It feels good because it feels like I'm stretching, but I also feel dizzy from it.

j brown
02-10-2014, 06:17 AM
I get the same exact things as you :( it sucks... I've tried yoga and that doesn't seem to work maybe I'll try cardio!

You should try cardio, it seems to work really well for me